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One small bug that has everyone angry *FIX*

Posted: Mon May 31, 2004 6:57 am
by DM01
5.15.04 14:30:49 sapien pc ----------------------------------------------
05.15.04 14:30:49 reference function: _write_to_error_file
05.15.04 14:30:49 reference address: 401b13
05.15.04 14:30:49 Couldn't read map file './'

How many of you get this in your Debug.txt when sapien closes after less than a second? (i dont know if its the right one i posted above, but its close enough)

Some people have other games, other stuff, or just like performance or w/e, so we turn our bit-depth DOWN to 16 bit.

Myself: I have a game called Delta Force Black Hawk Down (and the expansion Team Sabre), so, there is this XP bug with it, if you attempt to alt + tab out of the game, your screen will freeze and you will only get to see your mouse pointer until you alt + tab again.

Maybe you have run the game in -window mode
If you have, you might have noticed it doesnt run while in 16 bit color mode, and it shows you an error about compatibility.

Thats what happens to Sapien, remember, it has a Game Window (so what does that mean, same thing as running Halo with -window), except it doesnt show you the actual error messege, just the thing at the top of the post.

So, if you are good at gathering context from context clues (big english thing that i hate), good for you, if not here is the answer:

Go into "Control Panel,"go into Appearance and Themes or w/e, go to "Change screen resulution," see the little color bar? Open the pulldown above that and select 16 bit.

If this doesnt work for you, like, you open tutorial.scenario (unedited from how it came), well, then, too bad, cause i dont know the answer to that.

Okay, if you need more help get an IRC client (my favorite is at ) join through or (us for the America and eu for European or close places) and join the #halomodshelp channel, i am usually always in there, but, im might be AFK a lot also :? me and others can help you with a lot of problems (this is not the only thing i can answer 8) ) or you can use the JWIRC Applet on the homepage (click the link either at the bottom or at the side that says "Chat") that will take you directly to #halomodshelp.

Ok, hope this helps some or all of you with that one specific problem.