ok, i wont express my hate for TOOL.EXE, cuz plenty of ppl have done that, all i need to know, is if there is a function in 3ds max, to select an individual edge by it's number.
i build a pretty complicated map, so this would really take like 8 hours to find, shouldnt there be a search function for this or something?
any help would be appreciated
delete edge #953?
delete edge #953?
There isn't a search function, but there is a similar function that will show you exactly where every single error is. Select the main mesh, then goto your modifier list. Pull down the menu and select "STL check". Scroll down the options that now show up and check "select edges". Then check the box next to "check". It will then highlight any edges that have errors in red. Be sure to run this often as you construct your maps, as it can help you avoid huge headaches with mass errors later in their contruction. Hope this helped ya.