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HEK... debate, state your opinion, most say it sux.
Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 4:02 pm
by DarkBolt
ok, i have a list of reasons why HEK sux, but theyve mostly been summed up in this post on ,so check it out
Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 4:33 pm
by Wraith
Maybe you should have an "I think the HEK sucks because I'm a moron and can't use it properly" option. I've noticed many people who could pick that one.
Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 5:23 pm
by mattp001
you guys are idiots. the hek was used to make halo, one of the greatest games of all time. we just need to figure out how to use it.
Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 5:27 pm
by TsukasaZero
Some people just expect there to be a "IMPORT NEW VEHICLE" button. No, its more than that. Guerilla is by far a very complex and powerful program if you know how to use it. Sapien crashes 5 minutes after I load it so I can't really say much more about that. The only bad things were the model support and tool.exe's name and the fact that it doesn't have a GUI.
Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 5:31 pm
by mattp001
well i'm sure that we could try to make one for it.
Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 5:58 pm
by Templar
Its because all of you HMT and other tool n00bs don't know what the f*ck your doing. So get out if you cant use it.
Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 6:08 pm
by mattp001
yah, well put. hmt is easy. yet somehow im suprised most of you even got it. on a scale of 1-10 for difficulty of use HMT is like a 2 and HEK is like an 8
Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 6:18 pm
by BEEF!!!
HEK wasn't made to be user friendly.... The people who say it sucks are the ppl are the people who don't get wat the hell they are doing. HMT was made to be user friendly, but HEK was wat was used to make the game so of course it isnt gonna be as user friendly. Just suck it up and deal with the fact that you can't use it and stop complaing and saying that it sux.
Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 6:55 pm
by sharkface217
BEEF!!! wrote:HEK wasn't made to be user friendly.... The people who say it sucks are the ppl are the people who don't get wat the hell they are doing. HMT was made to be user friendly, but HEK was wat was used to make the game so of course it isnt gonna be as user friendly. Just suck it up and deal with the fact that you can't use it and stop complaing and saying that it sux.
Exactly. This thing is like a nuclear bomb strapped to an alarm clock, which is connected to a supercomputer. To defuse Nuke, which is potential (P), you need to bypass alarm clock (A) and get to hard GUI, which is supercomputer (GUI). A+GUI (which is tough-to-crack-supercomputer)= P (the full potential of HEK).
Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 7:32 pm
by geminijunodeluxe
The H.E.K has like a million possibilities, which is why I like it. Although there are some things that dont make sense, but they will in time, i mean come on we have only had the program for a couple of days.
Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 8:03 pm
by Cerenox
HEK doesnt suck lol i have already made a new class of elites that carry fuel rods and plasma swords. the actor variant designer on guerilla is very useful for doing this. I just cant figure out how to get damn sapien to work. Where do you find the scenario tags anyways? and does anyone know where i can find 3dsmax5? the blitzkrieg plugin hasnt yet come out for 3dsmax6 and i dont wanna get left behind.
Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 8:21 pm
by Flare8
Sapien is O.K
not really the kind of thing ill use. But with gurilla theres allmost unlimited possibilitys. Theres just so much you can do with it. Sapien is just kind of striaght forword. But I give gurilla a 10/10
Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 8:22 pm
by Halo_Xtreme
I like it, and so far having a blast finally having a chance to envision awsome levels, i have done a lot of editing in lots of games and so far this kit is the best set of tools i have used this far. Its kinda difficult getting started, but after all the work done here on halo mods alreayd its making undertsanidng a lot of what i see now more understandbale like all the tag references and things, theres a lot comming for this too, and i am sure its not all out yet. Theres tons more tutorials i am sure they plan to release, and more functionality thorugh the tools (not to mention modders discovieries, programs wink wink Mono :0). After all the relase was ealier than i think they wanted to <goes for a lot of software> so sit back, learn it now, cause once it all hits the downloads youll be overwhelmed and be totally lost, take it in steps. This has tons of POTENTIAL.
As with Saipien, its more of a graphical version of guerrilla really, its a lil more frustrating but you can populate and add the tags you add in through the various windows, like the hieracrhy inmport screens and thier corresponding tool refreneces with immidiate on teh fly editing in a in game view.
Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 8:31 pm
by MysteryMan
Halo_Xtreme wrote:I like it, and so far having a blast finally having a chance to envision awsome levels, i have done a lot of editing in lots of games and so far this kit is the best set of tools i have used this far. Its kinda difficult getting started, but after all the work done here on halo mods alreayd its making undertsanidng a lot of what i see now more understandbale like all the tag references and things, theres a lot comming for this too, and i am sure its not all out yet. Theres tons more tutorials i am sure they plan to release, and more functionality thorugh the tools (not to mention modders discovieries, programs wink wink Mono :0). After all the relase was ealier than i think they wanted to <goes for a lot of software> so sit back, learn it now, cause once it all hits the downloads youll be overwhelmed and be totally lost, take it in steps. This has tons of POTENTIAL.
As with Saipien, its more of a graphical version of guerrilla really, its a lil more frustrating but you can populate and add the tags you add in through the various windows, like the hieracrhy inmport screens and thier corresponding tool refreneces with immidiate on teh fly editing in a in game view.
That's exactly what I was waiting for someone to say.
Everyone who has posted a supportive opinion on HEK is in the right. Those who say it sucks are poorly informed and misguided by their inability to understand that if you use what beasts the masters tamed to create the masterpiece that is Halo, then you must be able to understand and use it just the same.
This suite of tools is awesome, to put it bluntly and in one sentence. It has limitless potential, however some must be able to figure it out completely, and for those who are less capable of being self-taught(or at least deserve a guide on it), so sometime a kind person or group of people will write a document explaining this insanely useful product to one's full advantage.
I myself am currently having a bit of difficulty understanding how to add new content, but I am extremely sure that it will become relatively easy with practice. Again, this has limitless potential; as long as you can think of it and assemble it, you can create it with these tools.
Forgive me for my rambling, I just thought I'd say some things including my opinion. It's about time Gearbox released this to the public, now many great and not-so-great expansions and levels, as well as weapons and vehicles may be created by some genius designers.
R0x0r on.
Posted: Sat May 08, 2004 5:46 am
by Templar
I've already done a few things I've always wanted. I've succesfully created an awesome Warthog. It has a guass launcher on the back of it, (no tires) hovers, has contrials, no antenea, and a strange blue glow below it.
I just need to figure out how to get it from Guer. to HaloCE. Any suggestions?
Posted: Sat May 08, 2004 6:21 am
by DHalo
OH, so u probably have to craete a vehicle with Guirrila.
Here's my two cents on how u migh be able to make a vehicle, though I'm best at workin with Sapien.
Copy all thw Warthog folder and rename it to like Car dude. then u edit the tag. Save, then import in Sapien. I'll try it in a min.
Posted: Sat May 08, 2004 8:54 am
by DM01
im a n00b alright
the n00best n00b out there, but i can get tool.exe working
damn command prompt stuff, i knew i should have paid attention
oh well, but sapien hates me, it doesnt even crash after 5 minutes, it closes itself after half a second, gurriela kicks ass though.
Posted: Sat May 08, 2004 8:56 am
by TsukasaZero
to run tool.exe stand alone:
1. start->run->cmd
2. Open up my computer and find the directory where Halo CE is stored in.
3. Drag that folder into the DOS Prompt.
4. Add in /tool.exe or w/e.
5. Hit enter for a list of commands. The command usage is explained in the tutorial.
Posted: Sat May 08, 2004 2:00 pm
by DM01
my command prompt had something wrong with it, i dunno what it was, but i could not go to any other folder straight from starting command prompt, so i had to download a tool that lets you open command promt at any folder you want by right clicking.
Posted: Sat May 08, 2004 8:33 pm
by Dj Suppai Saru
Ok, I know EVERY ONE ELSE has said this but It needs to get saidned:
Jeez, you people probably thought that HMT and SparkEdit sucked in their time also....
*mutters under breath*
Freakin N00BS