Anyone make a plasma sword?
seriously i been here since xbox came out with halo... i was first person to skin halo pc (i can verify it easily) i was first person to mod the models in halo pc (again i can verify easily) i can do practically anythin hek can usin hex... stupid n00bs think they know everything when in fact they use someone elses tools instead of go out and find their knowledge on their own
Checkout = ppsimakesmehigh = sp2sam
i smell n00bs who haven't been round long enough for u 2 even know... ever heard of ppsimakesmehigh??? of course u haven't cause u haven't been round long enough to remember me
if u want pics of first halo pc skin tell me if u want pics of first halo pc model change tell me... i also was first to import the plasma sword including sp, and all functions of it into mp
and beastman don't even say anythin u asked me for help at i still got ur pm
if u want pics of first halo pc skin tell me if u want pics of first halo pc model change tell me... i also was first to import the plasma sword including sp, and all functions of it into mp
and beastman don't even say anythin u asked me for help at i still got ur pm
Checkout = ppsimakesmehigh = sp2sam
Ok anyway... I've gotten the 3rd person model to work although I can't figure out how to get the skin to show up. Also I can't figure out how I'm supposed to position the weapon for the first person view and how big it's supposed to be compared to the 3rd person version. Right now I see nothing in the first person view because of my positioning/size(?) being wrong.
actually its because there is no 1st person model for the energy sword... if you want to make 1st person (like what i have done) they you have to make ur own tags for that... also it should already be in almost correct proportion to the masterchief... mine is a lil to big because i did mine WAAAAYYYYYY b4 sapien or hek ever came out
Checkout = ppsimakesmehigh = sp2sam