Small question

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Small question

Post by General_orca »

ok ill lay on the line. how do u make MC not carry any weapons when u spawn or start?
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Post by AbeFroman »

DeadHamster wrote:To get your character to start with it, open it (The map) in HHT, and under biped, look for to weap slots, they should have pistol and AR stock, swap the AR for your tag.

You can use that to make the spartan spawn with whatever weapon you wish, assuming the gametype is set to generic.
maybe if instead of swapping it for a weapon tag, you swap it to "Nulled Out" then maybe you spawn without weapons

Back up your maps before trying this, because i base this off of assumptions which are usually inconvenient
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Post by MoDFox »

Yea just null out the two weapon tags with a dependancy swapper and then use a gametype with weapons set to generic, works like a charm.
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Post by Corvette19 »

Corvette19 wrote:never never never ever ever EVER EVER EVER EVER ever ever EVER swap things with HMT, use HHT's dependancy swapper.
Also, changing the starting weapons' dependencies is joiner friendly.
Xfire = corvette19
WaeV wrote:Mess around with stuff, make exceptions, get messy! Do something we've never seen before.
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