- actr - Actor
actv - Actor Varient
ant! - Antenna
antr - Animation Trigger
bipd - Biped
coll - Collision Model
colo - Unkown PC Tag
cont - Contrial
ctrl - Control
deca - Decal
DeLa - DeLa
devc - PC Device Default
dobc - Detail Object Collection
effe - Effect
elec - Electricity
eqip - Equipment
flag - Unkown PC Tag
fog - Fog
font - Font
garb - Garbage
glw! - Glow
grhi - Hrenade HUD Interface
hmt - HUD Message Text
hudg - HUD Globals
itmc - Item Collection
jpt! - Damage
lens - Lens Flare
lifi - Light Fixture
ligh - Light
lsnd - Looping Sound
mach - Machine
matg - Globals
metr - Meter
msg2 - Light Volume
part - Particle
pctl - Particle System
phys - Physics
pphy - Point Physics
proj - Projectile
rain - Weather Particle
sbsp - Vehicle Ceiling
scen - Scenery
scex - Unkown PC Shader
schi - Shader Transparency Varient
scnr - Scenerio
senv - Shader Environment
sgla - Shader Glass
sky - Sky
smet - Shader Metal
snd! - Sound
snde - Sound Environment
soso - Shader Model
sotr - Light Tinting
spla - Shader Plasma
swat - Shader Water
trak - Track
unhi - Unit HUD Interface
vehi - Vehicle
weap - Window
wind - Wind
wphi - Weapon HUD Interface
All of these plugins where 100% made by me, EXCEPT FOR WEATHER PARTICLE, AND DAMAGE, thoose 2 plugins where made by Plaz... my hero, my sage, and my teacher So id like to thanks him for thoose and for actually teaching me to make plugins, without him all this wouldnt be possible... *breaks out in tears*
Click here to download Phenomena's 60-Plugin Pack. [Updated 10/20/06]
Click here to download Phenomena's 60-Plugin Pack. [Updated 07/24/11]