Here are the rules for this forum:
1. The Maximum filesize is 10MB.
If your mod is bigger than this, it will be removed.
2. You must post a mod. Links are ok too.
If you only post pictures, your topic will be moved to the pictures forum immediately.
3. If you rebuild a map you can post the full map, otherwise you must post a PPF file.
If you didn't rebuild the map and you post the full map, your topic will be removed withing 24 hours.
4. Do not post both a ZIP and RAR file of the mod; choose one.
If you post both, the larger file will be removed.
5. Do not advertise in other people's topics.
If you do your topic will be removed.
Please post pictures if possible. Do not post BMP files, only post pictures that are well compressed (.gif or .jpg). The get pictures of your map, open Sparkedit and then the map. Move the map to the points that would be most helpful for people to see. Hit shift-Print Screen. Go into MS paint under accessories and hit paste. Save as one of the above extensions.
Please put the name of the map you modded in the subject.
Inappropriate content will not be tolerated and will get you banned from the forums.
If you can't follow the rules, don't post anything. If you have questions, please go to and use the search function. If the answer cannot be found, then feel free to post a question on that site.
Newcomers should start here: or
NTSC = America
PAL = Europe
Last updated 6-5-2004