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Halo map version converter

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 10:46 am
by Locagent
ok i got a halo map version converter for those of you who dont know what that is it converts halo ce maps into halo pc maps so you can modify them with HMT or spark edit or you can just play them on halo pc.
Well i set the directory on it and loaded apocolypsehuge*** V2 and i clicked convert well it didnt convert it it said (I dont know what you did but dam i sure dont know) or something like that.
So i clicked on help it said click the map you want to convert and click convert 2 times and it came up saying when i did it (reeeeeeeeeeeally srwy error)

Im like WTF :x then how do you convert the maps..... If any body knows any thing about this then plzzzzzz type back and give me some info on it.


Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2007 2:50 pm
by ihatecompviruses123
The Concept:
Firstly, you'll need any version of HEX Editor. Secondly, you must not be confused by all the numbers.

swap 61 62 with 07 00
and swap 36 30 39 with 35 36 34

do this when you first open the map.don't scroll down.