KICKING - BANNING???? (Server)

General discussion about Halo for the Xbox and PC.

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KICKING - BANNING???? (Server)

Post by Xx.Raiden.xX »

Alright this is making me angry... there is no Console in HALO so I cannot do any server commands wtf is this? How can I kick and ban people and what nott?

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Post by Weasel »

The Halo console isn't enabled by defalt. You have to edit the shorcut for it to work. First create a new Halo shorcut. If you select "Play" from the popup menu when you put in the cd, it won't work. Next select Properties for the new Halo shortcut. Go to the Target field and after "DRIVE:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Halo\halo.exe", add the extension "SPACE-console". Now to get the console to come up ingame, just press ` (above TAB). For a list of commads, visit gamefaqs.

Here's the link to the faq: ... _tweak.txt

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Post by Beastman »

hmmm ill need to do that a while ago i tried that but i guess i didnt put the space in there cause it would give me an error.