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Where do you find the maps on Xbox Halo?

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 5:35 am
by Goxx
I have HMT (Halo Hacking Tools); I know how to use it; I've used it for Halo PC, but how do I use it for Xbox Halo? I tried putting the disc in my PC and the only thing on the disc was a bunch of videos in all kinds of funky formats. There was nothing else on it.

Do I need to decompress the videos?

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 10:20 am
by Insanity
You'll need a modded xbox.

Softmod would work the best, Since you cant reburn the games to a DVD and play them, You could use a program like alcohol 120% and make an ISO with the file then extract the maps from the ISO with winrar, But you'd need to hotswap the maps back onto the disk, And the changes would have to be really really small, You couldn't make any amazing mods with graphics or anything, and you wouldn't be able to change vary much else.

Plus if you screwed up the disk hotswapping it billions of times you'd be out of the game and have to go get another one.

And HMT can only decompress the Xbox maps, You'd need a program that can compress them so there usable again, Like dot halo or HHT.

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 2:50 pm
by Goxx
Oh, thanks for telling me. I understand everything, but this doesn't to be worth it. If I could make larger modifications of the maps, I would, but I'd have to install about four programs just to get Softmod. Plus, I'd have to buy action replay and one of three games on a list that I don't even have a clue what they are. Unless it is free, I'll pass on it.

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 3:51 am
by Insanity
The soft mod would cost you about 80-200$ because you'd need a bigger hard drive the xbox one would only hold about two games.

Installing the softmod isn't really that hard

splinter cell, Mech assault.

007 agent under fire.

You could always rent one of the games, But what ever game you use out of those three wont work anymore if you try to play it.

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 6:51 am
by nintendo9713
YOu can softmod your xbox, save halo on your xbox harddrive, then grab the maps from your xbox, do whatever you want with them, as many chages as you like as long as you don't corrupt the map, and then put them back on the xbox, go to games on harddrive, and load it form there.