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Several Questions

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2007 9:47 am
by matt951207
I am new to modding. 2 Days ago i put the fan to 12 volt power. Then yesterday i decided to soft mod by hot swapping. All went well. :D

So now I am modding stuff halo 2. I have it on my hdd and backed up on my pc. I Got the whole ftp ing thing down real fast and have xbmc installed. After having my xbox on for 6 hours it says it reached 128 degrees. Is that to hot? What is normal running temp?

Back to halo.
Using dot halo I figured out simple stuff like to dual wield anything and unlimited ammo. Well i sent over to my xbox after resigning it and play it just fine with those mods. So i was like sweet. Back to the PC and i fire up XBC and join a game. and none of my mods work. :( After reading around i found something about bridging the connection? But from what i understand that steals the host. I just want a few for when my friends are playing (they suck) but without everyone knowing about them.

I have played in games where everyone is able to use the mods How is that possible?

I think i know how to skin and i have PScs2 with the plug in. No one can see my skins no matter what right?

Also how would i add a vehicle to lets say lock out?

How can i change its ride height (warthog) in dot halo?, is there an easy way to change the tire size too?

Last question.
In XBConnect, out of 59, 16 rooms are FW. That just means there firewall is blocking me right?

I have no firewall, my router is a linksys wrt54gs. It has port forwarding set up for xbc and DMZ enabled, which if im correct opens all ports.

People cant join my games cause i show up as FW to them. What should i try to do?

One last thing. How much would a fair size HDD that is xbox compatible cost. I want it to hold halo 2 some dvds and lots of music, im thinking like 80gig. (just asking cause i heard not all drives work with xbox)

Sorry if this was posted in the wrong section