Well there are many ways you can hack Halo. You can use Programs that people have created to change projectiles or shaders and what not. There is a tutorial about how to at my site (Click Below) or if you're too lazy to click the link here is the tutorial. Follow these instructions very carefully.
FTP (LeapFTP or FlashFXP are good ones)
Hex Editor ( HHD Hex Editor is the best one)
A Mod Chip (Obviously)
How to hack Multi-player maps (Follow the instructions very clearly!)
1. Delete all of your cache files in your FTP (They could be in either X,Y, or Z drive)
2. Load the level that you want to hack (i.e. Blood Gulch)
3. When it is done loading shut off you xbox then turn it back on.
4. When it is at the Dashboard, FTP back into your box and download cache003.map
5. Change all of the offsets you want to change through hex editing or programs (i.e. Cartographer, If you don't know how to hex edit read my tutorial).
6. Then when you have changed all the offsets you want to change, Upload the updated cache003.map back into your box.
7. Load up Halo then Hack away!
How to hack Single player maps:
1. FTP into your box and delete all the cache files in either your X,Y, or Z drive.
2. Load the Map you want to hack (i.e. Silent Cartographer)
3. When the map is done loading shut your box off then turn it back on.
4. FTP back into your box then download cache000.map
5. Edit everything you want to change and then Upload cache000.map back into your box
6. Load the level you loaded before and start hacking
Now, I don't know if people need help with this but I'll put it down anyways.
How to add a Trainer to Halo:
1. Download IPSWin from yahoo or google (or whatever you like best).
2. Download a Trainer (You can download it from here, but
http://www.xbox-saves.com is a good one too).
3. Download Win RAR from a search engine again.
4. Then, FTP into your box and go to your E drive I think it is.
5. Go to games then go to the copy that is Halo.
6. In that folder is a File called default.xbe.
7. Download that to your comuter.
8. You win RAR to un rar the file and to open up the IPS file.
9. Use Win IPS to patch default.xbe and CZN-Halo.IPS together.
10. Then load the default.xbe back into your box.
11. Now, when you go to your games to laod on your hard drive, Halo should say Halo- TRAINED.
12. Load that then when in a Map (Single or Multi-player) Click down both the Thumbsticks to bring the menu up.
13. Do the same thing to bring it down.
14. Start Hacking!
I know you guys are getting bored now but just in case heres anyther thing:
How to add .ppf files to your Game:
1. Download ppf-o-matic3 from a search engine or whatever.
2. Delete all the cache files then load the map you want to hack.
3. Reset the Xbox and then download the map you just loaded.
4. Use ppf-o-matic3 to patch the files together (i.e. Patch cache003.map with moddedflyingvehicles.ppf)
5. Then load The cache file back to your box and Voila!
Now If you guys all knew about this already then sorry. This is for the people that don't know how to hack.
I hope I Helped.