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my own map pack

Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2006 12:42 am
by icon00
i would like to make my own mp map pack, which has these maps in it:

1.chillout (normal version)
2.hang em high (normal version)
3.battle creek (normal version)
4.damnation (normal version)

5.wizard or warlock (not yet decided which is best/ warlock version from

6.prisoner (normal version) day (hcm version) ruins (hcm version)
9.corrupted (hcm version)
10.timberland (halo maps version)

11.rat race (normal version)
12.prisoner (normal version)
13.derlict (normal version)

the promblem i have is, all the custom maps have the same internal name as the ones i want to keep, for example training day replaces derlict, corrupted replaces battle creek and so on. so how could i do it so i can have all these maps + how do you change the description of the maps in game ??? ( i mean when you go to pick the map you want to play in mp, i want it to say training day instead of showing derlict)

and last quick Q, is it possible to have more mp's than the orignal/ normal 13 maps, so have like 15 maps all 2gether ?? :D any help would be great :)

Posted: Fri Jul 14, 2006 2:07 pm
by stig87
use a program like HHT to change the internal name of a map, then rename the map to the corresponding internal name.

For example, If you have trainingday aka derelict aka

use hht to change the internal name from derelict to bloodgulch. Then rename the external file name to

****HHT will ask you to decompress the map before changing the internal name, afer decrompressoin, change the name, then compress/rename the file

I just got this to work because i combined HIzlos AI encounter maps with my Halo NMP-cut and the WPI campus map to create 13 maps..


As far as modding the menu and map names in the game.....I've been looking for the same thing. How ever answers that for you will be answering for me too

Posted: Fri Jul 14, 2006 3:58 pm
by FleetAdmiralBacon
You would have to make a custom UI.
It's easier than it sounds, if you have what you need, which no one except Llama Juice and a few others can. I have what I need due to extensive ripping apart of the Xbox and limited-use not-for-converting-real-maps magic (I use it for person work on Project Delphi under agreement with Llama Juice and have never converted a full map.)

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 9:38 am
by icon00
i have that sorted out now cheers but for the actully in game in name, u say i have to make a custom ui. instead could i not just change the normal one, all i need to do is add afew diffrent pics and change the map name's + map description.

could you help :) like you said its not hard :)

Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 6:17 pm
by masterchiefjps
I have tried to use hht to change the internal name but when I load those maps it just goes crazy. By which to say the graphics don't work. It seems that sound and coll and everything else is fine but there are just lines and triangles everywhere. If I load the same map with it's original map name, it works fine. Please tell me what I am doing wrong.

Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 3:23 am
by llama_juice
Please don't take the maps off of my site that I said I am planning on throwing in a map pack. day (hcm version) ruins (hcm version)
9.corrupted (hcm version)
Funny though, because team HCM is no longer a team... now it's just team Llama...

I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't put those maps in the map pack.