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Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2003 1:19 pm
by silencer88
Does anybody know where in the meta the accuracy for the gun is located? I was thinking about a battle rifle mod for the assault rifle and I want a different amount of damage from the pistol, so I can't just swap the projectile.
found it!
Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2003 9:53 am
by silencer88
sry about the double post, but since I didn't get any answers, I went and did it myself.
Using tjc2k4's weapon editor, i found that the unknown string #70 is the one that modifies accuracy. It seems the closer to zero, the higher the accuracy.
For example, the sniper rifle is -2137452296, the pistol is -2138739436, and the AR is -2139036024. I don't know much about it at this time because i just found the string.
The number probably stands for more than 1 value, I'm not sure, but the base 213 always stays.
One man show
Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2003 10:27 am
by silencer88
well, you see, that value does modify accuracy, but I DONT KNOW!
the PLASMA PISTOL has a higher value than the sniper rifle.
and the Plama RIFLE is higher than the PISTOL.
AND WE ALL KNOW THAT THE PLASMA RIFLE is amazingly inaccurate!
Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2003 10:44 am
by Slash0x
I didn't answer because I don't have knowledge of this what so ever.
Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2003 11:25 am
by silencer88
well thank you for answering... but i guess im wrong about that number. But i did get the AR to shoot the accuracy of a pistol, yet hold its other properties. So idk, whatever i'll figure it out soon.
Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2003 12:16 pm
by Slash0x
silencer88 wrote:well thank you for answering... but i guess im wrong about that number. But i did get the AR to shoot the accuracy of a pistol, yet hold its other properties. So idk, whatever i'll figure it out soon.
Good luck with it!
Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2003 1:04 pm
by Hivemind
yes.. that ASSUMTION was wrong... the value is higher or lower just because of where it is put in the file.. they each go into folders by name.. or section.. the accuracy is in the meta of the projectile
Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2003 6:21 pm
by silencer88
no, it isnt. accuracy is part of the gun.
Example: make the needler shoot the rocket as a projectile. It'll still shoot the rockets all over the place.
i found the values, they're unknowns 59 and 60. One is for slow or single bullet shooting, and the other is rapid fire shooting. This is obvious if you look at the sniper rifle, since they're the same value. The pistol value is higher for the rapid fire, and the assault rifle is WAY WAY higher than the rapid/burst fire.
So, you're wrong, ASSUMTION boy, jeez if your gonna mock me, get it right. It's ASSUMPTION.
Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2003 2:52 am
by Hivemind
ok, you should leave the forums right now.. first your assuming things, then your being rude to someone trying to help you.. maybe if you stated which type of values you were looking at.. when you said the weapon had a higher value then another, thats only because where it is placed, and what it is pointing towards.. after you start changing meta its not really a value, its META just like is sounds.. and excuse me if i dont spend all my time looking in the dictionary, or correcting others misspelled words, but i have a life outside of that, and outside of here, clearly you do not.. but to let u know, being rude is not the answer...
arguing on the internet is like running in the special olympics, even if you win, your still retarded
and to answer your example about the needler, it only shoots then all around because your chagning part of the projectile, not the whole thing, so try to at least that right, going and changing projectiles thorugh the small hex offsets is barely changing anything, not even the whole projectile
Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2003 6:51 am
by silencer88
ok ok im sorry but you were definitely being rude to me when you told me I made an assumption. The unknown value 59 and 60 in the weapon editor program is part of the weapon meta. I have changed it and am on the verge of completing the battle rifle. I still have some problems with sound and the HUD but I'm working them out.
Sry if I was Rude, but I was just trying to get help from someone on my project since the assault rifle is absolutely worthless.
If you could kindly help me with changing the reticle and nothing else on the assault rifle as I'm not very good with meta editing.
Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2003 7:25 am
by Slash0x
Hivemind wrote:arguing on the internet is like running in the special olympics, even if you win, your still retarded
I guess that phrase also effects you.
Dude, learn to have a since of humor and stop flaming over something so stupid. You seem to ASSUME everything in EVERY topic you post in.
Wouldn't you be upset if you didn't even get ONE post after 12 hours? Happened to me on other forums and it isn't fun.
Think of the reason why he/she could be upset instead of ASSUMING that silencer is a prick (which he/she is not because he/she is just trying to get some information).
Isn't this why Gren and SG made HaloMods? Asking questions and hope someone answers?
Think logically instead of jumping to conclusions.
Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2003 10:44 am
by silencer88
thank you slash, I just wanted a little bit of help but im pretty close to getting it and will probably upload a ppf
(BTW, I'm a guy, dunno how many girls are into modding halo...
Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2003 12:37 pm
by Hivemind
im trying to help.. and each post i have made here has helped sumone.. its not my fault others asume things.. and it really apears that im not argueing, but yet just stating a point.. im pretty sure my sense of humor is far beyond that of either of yours, (not to be rude.. but its just because the people ive grown up around) anyway.. i can help you with sound injection for your battle rifle, and i can change the skin too if you want.. and i can edit meta too.. and can someone please state where i jumped to any conclusions.. as i pretty much base most things i say on logic, and is the girl things towards slash, because hes the only one sounding like a girl... prick is not something guys use, im sorry, it just isnt, either grow up, or get out.. or admit your a girl, your choice though...
and although my post might seem confusing (hey, i was tired.. i have all honors classes.. i have lots of work to do..) it should send the point across
Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2003 2:24 pm
by silencer88
hehe i have all honors classes too, COOL LOL
well, i got the sound and i played a lan match with my friends, and they agree the gun is way cool.
SO, ill put it up tomorrow i guess just as soon as I get everything worked out. Im trying to make the display on the rifle look more like a scope. and im getting pretty far. So, w/e but the SOUND is amazingly cool, just like the halo2 E3 video.
Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2003 5:40 pm
by Slash0x
Hivemind wrote:im trying to help.. and each post i have made here has helped sumone.. its not my fault others asume things.. and it really apears that im not argueing, but yet just stating a point.. im pretty sure my sense of humor is far beyond that of either of yours, (not to be rude.. but its just because the people ive grown up around) anyway.. i can help you with sound injection for your battle rifle, and i can change the skin too if you want.. and i can edit meta too.. and can someone please state where i jumped to any conclusions.. as i pretty much base most things i say on logic, and is the girl things towards slash, because hes the only one sounding like a girl... prick is not something guys use, im sorry, it just isnt, either grow up, or get out.. or admit your a girl, your choice though...
and although my post might seem confusing (hey, i was tired.. i have all honors classes.. i have lots of work to do..) it should send the point across
Reread the post, it wasn't appointing me to being a girl. He was talking "in general". Prick was used as an example or a figure of speech. Dude, figure it out.
Sorry silencer88 for flaming in your topic...
Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2003 6:24 pm
by silencer88
it's ok... kinda FUNNY actually.
Battle Rifle almost done... arg too much homework... but im working on damage... it kills ppl way way to fast, im thinking about 2/3 damage of pistol... hows that sound? Guess ill test it on my friends, and see how they like it with a diff damage.
Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2003 6:42 pm
by raz0r
is the warthog bullet about 2/3 the pistol? seems like it might be, would be quicker that way too
Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2003 11:33 am
by silencer88
GREAT idea thanks ill try it. I think it actually is about that. COOL i didnt even think of it!
Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2003 12:08 pm
by silencer88
SwEEEEEEEEEEEEEEt, will u/l tonight. Thanks razor. Takes 8 shots to kill, whixh is a 2/3 damage. GOOD thinking razor! I would still like to mod the aiming reticle, but it seems impossible at this point.
Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2003 1:22 pm
by raz0r
altho im filled with joy that it worked, its sad that i knew it was about 2/3's the dmg of the pistol... hello my name is alex and i have a problem
eh fuck it
*goes and plays halo*