Does anyone know how to make bots follow you or even move?
The best I can do is by changing the animation trigger to the grunt (makes it throw grenades) or elite (makes it dodge grenades and move out of the way sometimes) but the only way to get this in is to replace the cyborg antr which makes the bots and players stand in the same position all the time (even in vehicles).
Even doing this doesnt make them move whilst in vehicles, only spin around shooting you.
Making bots move
Making bots move : Tell the world what you hate.
Thanks for that, I used the flood: now they chase players by either running or jumping after them, and sometimes come back to life.
Now I just need a perfect model because the death animation is more like melting and when they come back to life a giant spike comes out lol. But its better than it was.
Now I just need a perfect model because the death animation is more like melting and when they come back to life a giant spike comes out lol. But its better than it was. : Tell the world what you hate.
pokecancer is his name i think, he released a tutorial for perfect model injection earlier on, try that out, but if you've already done it well donealpha112 wrote:Now I just need a perfect model because the death animation is more like melting and when they come back to life a giant spike comes out lol. But its better than it was.

Wish I had time to do all that correcting indices (as fun as it sounds) but I dont (exams). So if anyone really loves hex editing and wants to make a flood model for BG PAL (hint) please do.
And I did look at the tutorial but I couldnt figue some of it out: when it said take out a number of bytes or go to an offset in the saved meta - the meta I had wasnt that long. So Ill leave trying to do it until after my exams.
And I did look at the tutorial but I couldnt figue some of it out: when it said take out a number of bytes or go to an offset in the saved meta - the meta I had wasnt that long. So Ill leave trying to do it until after my exams. : Tell the world what you hate.