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whats a good practice?

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2007 12:00 am
by Supermodder911
what is a good practice for a beginner/intermediete C# programmer?

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2007 2:38 am
by Prey
  • Display one image on your form, and when you hold your mouse down on it and drag; the image moves also.
  • A form that has 3 buttons; red, green and blue, and one trackbar. The background is then constantly changing colour. Clicking one of the buttons stops/starts that colour from changing (red buttons stop/starts the red component from changing), and the trackbar controls the speed at which the background is changing.
  • Lets the user choose a folder, and then takes all files from that folder and displays then in a listview, icons as well. D-Clicking them opens them. If you want to get more advanced, display the folders as well, D-Clicking one displays the contents of its folder in the listview instead, so a 'back' button would also be necessary.
There you go, that was just some the stuff I made ages ago anyway.

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2007 9:25 pm
by OwnZ joO
Also, going back to your code like a month later and realizing how badly hacked it is, and redoing it in a better, more efficient manner helps. Rewriting code(not really simple stuff) helps you get better, because you rethink it, and find better ways to do it usually.

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2007 9:30 pm
by Supermodder911
its been a long two months but i have learned alot thanks to darkmetal, Tain7ed, Prey helped me a little one time and whoever else i forgot but i want to get back into halo programming being how i have a basic understanding of C#.