Okay so you want to make your app choose from multiple option, So we use tht If clause. The If clause is very useful way of doing things, Now for some examples.
Okay make a new form go into code view, type this into the form1_load
Code: Select all
If System.DayOfWeek.Friday Then
MsgBox("Its Friday")
MsgBox("Today Is not friday")
End If
Another example
Code: Select all
If System.DayOfWeek.Friday Then
Me.ForeColor = Color.Auqa
Me.ForeColor = Color.Blue
End If
Code: Select all
If TrackBar1.Value = TrackBar1.Maximum Then
Me.Opcacity = "1"
Me. Opacity = "0." & TrackBar1.Value
I hope this helped i may add more examples in of tricks you can do,