PMI Tools (Automatic Halo Object Duplicator)
Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2005 11:03 pm
Note: Name change may occurr often
Soooooo yea... whatup. I've redesigned the entire UI for the program and it's a lot easier to use and once I finish it then I'll just have to finish the dirty work compiling forms that create the million xml files line by line ASCII style.
Some pics, (Note: Beta not open yet; except for ZMT members )
There is also an auto-fill map name tool possible if you want to browse by map's file name or by the value name. There's also other tools i'm not telling you about but i'll save it for surprise hehehe
Soooooo yea... whatup. I've redesigned the entire UI for the program and it's a lot easier to use and once I finish it then I'll just have to finish the dirty work compiling forms that create the million xml files line by line ASCII style.
Some pics, (Note: Beta not open yet; except for ZMT members )
There is also an auto-fill map name tool possible if you want to browse by map's file name or by the value name. There's also other tools i'm not telling you about but i'll save it for surprise hehehe