Hello, I'm making a program to play any audio file and record it off the sound card and save that recording as an mp3, all I need to know is how to record it off the sound card, I know to play the file I use:
Thats not how to play the file, thats how to launch the default app to play that file, I don't know how you would exactly, but I would recommend googling it, or searching at thecodeproject.net
Well I was going for playing it with the default app for it, because that would mean less work, and that is always good. I'll try that site though and see how it goes, thanks.
EDIT: thecodeproject.net says it's under construction.
http://www.codeproject.com/ my bad, not .net
Well I just thought you wanted your program to play the sound, not to launch the default app for playing it.