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Making Vehicles Shine

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2003 7:08 pm
by BaronvonTito790
How do you make vehicles shine? I've seen vehicles shine in other screen shots, and i want to know exactaly how to do it. HELP!

Re: Making Vehicles Shine

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2003 7:50 am
by WaLKa
BaronVontito790 wrote:How do you make vehicles shine? I've seen vehicles shine in other screen shots, and i want to know exactaly how to do it. HELP!
what do you mean.. do you have a screen to show us what you mean?

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2003 10:32 am
by Ang88
it might be your graphics card
mine doesn't support speculars or shadows which makes my vehicles dull, and not shiny

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2003 12:22 pm
by BaronvonTito790
Ang88 wrote:it might be your graphics card
mine doesn't support speculars or shadows which makes my vehicles dull, and not shiny
OHHHH ok so i might as well give up. Its probably my graphics card.

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2003 7:35 pm
by Aero
To make the banshee shine I changed the color in banshee_cubemap top the color I wanted it to shine. This also chages the shine on the Gohst and Shade too.

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2003 2:01 pm
by Ivyleaf
it sounds like its the chrome you want to change. the crome is a seperate black and white image applied to the skin. black=100% shiny, white=0% shiny, with different shades of gray in between. im not sure how to apply chrome in halo though.