Hi again,
Finally some updates to my map. As U may remember I had that problem with the map size and fps performance. I've experimented a little bit with portals and solved some of my problems, but other errors comed to life. First I divaded my map to 5/4 ratio +portal, and my final map size was reduced to 19 MB, and the game performance was 15-17 fps. Don't know but every time I tried to export to .JMS(Blizckriek) with +exactportal linked to the frame, or even attached to the level itself, an export error ocurred and max crashed. I exported the level only with +portal.
I increased the +portal division to 10/17 and compiled the map again.
The map size did'nt changed but the game performance increased to 29-30 fps. At that moment a new wired error apired. I can't see anymore the map, only small parts near to the player are visible.

What is this error, and how to solve it?