OK, I'm back working on this after doing the machinima thing and taking a few weeks break. I'm currently doing the geometry and textures for the blue base now. Here's a screen of what I have after a few hours work. This is the stairway leading from the top section of the main church interior into the blue flag room.
Work on the blue flag room is well under way now, with a whole bunch of new textures added. The stairs in the background are still being worked on, though.
Various delays in the form of computer troubles, other work, Christmas/New Year and good old fashioned laziness... but we're underway again. There's been other stuff added to the map that I can't show you yet, but I hope to be able to soon.
A couple of new pics this week. First is a close up of the dragon carving in the base of doorway that I showed you in the previous pic. Second are the properly textured wooden stairs leading from the blue flag room to the main church interior. The specular cubemap on the actual steps is only a placeholder, the final version will more accurately represent the light reflections.
I play it in 1600x1200 with everything on. Framerate is fine but giving you an exact number of my fps at the moment would be useless, since I've done no portalling and final placement of the dynamic lights will affect it. Just be rest assured that the final version of the map won't run any slower than the official maps (I think Damnation is the slowest, so if you run that fine, then you'll have problems with this).
Now the MC has somewhere to sit. I redid the geometry for the pews and they have their own texture now. Pic is a bit dark cos there's no lightsources on the bottom floor yet, but this should give you a good idea of scale.