[WIP] Goldeneye Facility

Finish a new model/mesh? Got something you're working on? Finish a new map? Here's the place to post it for feedback and whatnot.

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Post by The_Hushed_Casket »

Looks great, I can't wait until this is released.

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Post by Lowallyn »

will the moonraker go through walls? is tht possible?

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Post by llama_juice »

is the celing tile a modified ladder skin?... I've been thinking that the whole time.... but.. yea

other than that it looks great, I cant wait to play this.... Goldeneye was an amazing game, hopefully this pays tribute :P

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Post by -Laser- »

Lowallyn wrote:will the moonraker go through walls? is tht possible?
no, only windows.

Speaking of windows, is there a way to make windows that are bullet proof but not explosion proof? I'm assuming the only way would be putting them in as scenery of some sort. I plan to have the windows in the science lab areas be regular glass, but the windows in the gas rooms will bullet proof, or at least very bullet resistant, requiring a bunch of shots to break them. (in the movie, Ourumov has 10 or so of his men fire at a window for 30 seconds or so before it gives way)
Llama_Juice wrote:is the celing tile a modified ladder skin?... I've been thinking that the whole time.... but.. yea
Ladder skin?

Every texture in my level has been made from scratch. I made the ceiling tile texture to resemble the one seen in the original game.

EDIT:I've finished texturing the entire level, but theres tons of small touchup things to do. Lighting adjustments, aliging the tiles, ceiling paneling, etc so there are as few half tiles as possible, adding all the little biohazard, acid, no smoking, exit, bathroom, etc signs. and other small things.

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Post by Dole »

Hmm... that's good news.
What's your release estimate? Because like Fl.Adm.Bacon said, this would do really good in DOMINATR's mapping contest.
Don't rush, though. It's a work of art so far.
Wouldn't want you to "blot the paint on the final brushstrokes."

BTW, lovin' the avatar, really good.

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Post by rossmum »

-Laser- wrote:
Lowallyn wrote:will the moonraker go through walls? is tht possible?
no, only windows.

Speaking of windows, is there a way to make windows that are bullet proof but not explosion proof? I'm assuming the only way would be putting them in as scenery of some sort. I plan to have the windows in the science lab areas be regular glass, but the windows in the gas rooms will bullet proof, or at least very bullet resistant, requiring a bunch of shots to break them. (in the movie, Ourumov has 10 or so of his men fire at a window for 30 seconds or so before it gives way)
Llama_Juice wrote:is the celing tile a modified ladder skin?... I've been thinking that the whole time.... but.. yea
Ladder skin?

Every texture in my level has been made from scratch. I made the ceiling tile texture to resemble the one seen in the original game.

[pic removed from quote]

EDIT:I've finished texturing the entire level, but theres tons of small touchup things to do. Lighting adjustments, aliging the tiles, ceiling paneling, etc so there are as few half tiles as possible, adding all the little biohazard, acid, no smoking, exit, bathroom, etc signs. and other small things.
Just go to each bullet's damage tags and change the multiplier for glass to 0, and make it 1 for explosions. Easy.

Also, the moonraker through walls is possible I think, even if it won't be used, I'm sure it can be done.
Last edited by rossmum on Sat Jun 17, 2006 6:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Dole »

AH, giggity!
Hot diggity!
HELL yeah!

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Post by -Laser- »

rossmum wrote:Just go to each bullet's damage tags and change the multiplier for glass to 0, and make it 1 for explosions. Easy.
I'm wanting to have two different types of glass. Some glass will be breakable with one shot, other glass will be breakable with a whole bunch, or just breakable by an explosion.

The panes that will be here will be bullet proof.

and the ones that will be here will be regular glass

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Post by rossmum »

Yeah, easily done. All damage modifiers.
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Post by FleetAdmiralBacon »

Dole wrote:Hmm... that's good news.
What's your release estimate? Because like Fl.Adm.Bacon said, this would do really good in DOMINATR's mapping contest.
Don't rush, though. It's a work of art so far.
Wouldn't want you to "blot the paint on the final brushstrokes."

BTW, lovin' the avatar, really good.
No, I said I hope to god he doesn't submit it.
But, I highly doubt it will be done by then, the BSP isn't completed and just running the lightmaps with all his lights in there will probably take at least a day.
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Post by -Laser- »

FleetAdmiralBacon wrote:
Dole wrote:Hmm... that's good news.
What's your release estimate? Because like Fl.Adm.Bacon said, this would do really good in DOMINATR's mapping contest.
Don't rush, though. It's a work of art so far.
Wouldn't want you to "blot the paint on the final brushstrokes."

BTW, lovin' the avatar, really good.
No, I said I hope to god he doesn't submit it.
But, I highly doubt it will be done by then, the BSP isn't completed and just running the lightmaps with all his lights in there will probably take at least a day.
It takes about 40 minutes on 0. No idea how long it'd take on 1.

Around the start of may, I was hoping to have it done by the 20th(of june). Now my goal is the end of the summer.
To do list:
-Perfect UV maps. There are many places where textures could fit more sensably.
-add glass
-add stairs
-perfect lighting. some areas too dark, others too light
-alpha testing with halo weapons. will help get an idea of how to fix cramped feeling
-make scenery;tables, labware, power outlet, light switch, computer consoles, toilet, crates, gas tanks, conveyor belts, water fountain, bulletin board, fire alarm, chairs, and anything i forgot.
-make doors
-make weapons; grenade launcher, pp7, rcp90, timed mine, c4 plastique, finish moonraker laser.
-place everything in sapien
-script anything that needs scripting
-beta test
-make any necessary changes for release
-second beta test
-make final changes

don't worry, I have no intention of releasing the alpha or beta tests to halomaps.org. In my opinion, doing so takes away from the "new" feel of the final release.

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Post by rossmum »

Sounds awesome. And I agree, public betas ruin the final.

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Post by Lowallyn »

take your time with the weapons, i would like to have James Bond weapons, but as you can see in some maps, when the weapon modeling/animation/skin simply... uhh sucks :shock: lol it takes away from the map

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Post by -Laser- »

Lowallyn wrote:take your time with the weapons, i would like to have James Bond weapons, but as you can see in some maps, when the weapon modeling/animation/skin simply... uhh sucks :shock: lol it takes away from the map
Don't worry. I plan to. And if I'm not satisfied with my work, I'll swallow my do-it-all-myself pride and seek assistance. :)

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Post by -Laser- »

I've been taking a few day break from my work on this, but I took the time to run radiosity again. Here's a pic of the last gas room.

anyone have any idea as to what this texture is supposed to be? It's used both on the stairs and around the bottom of door frames.

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Post by llama_juice »

metal grate of somesort?... anyhow it looks great!

I remember playing Goldeneye on this map way back in the day.... if you used a gameshark it unlocked the whole level for you to play multiplayer in rather than the small area they normally confine you to :P

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Post by -Laser- »

Llama_Juice wrote:metal grate of somesort?... anyhow it looks great!

I remember playing Goldeneye on this map way back in the day.... if you used a gameshark it unlocked the whole level for you to play multiplayer in rather than the small area they normally confine you to :P
Thanks to the gameshark, I knew the basics of hex back in the third grade. :D

Pity the things were so faulty. I went through no less than three of them. All of them broke. I remember I was messing around with altering the space shuttle on Aztec, when my last one just clicked off and stopped working. :cry:

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Post by rossmum »

Are you going to add stuff into that room? Looks kinda empty... Still cool though.

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Post by -Laser- »

rossmum wrote:Are you going to add stuff into that room? Looks kinda empty... Still cool though.
Certainly. Some stairs. Then 8 gas tanks and 2 conveyor belts as scenery.

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Post by rossmum »

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