200 Polys exactly.

You may be asking yourself what that big pillar thing is, if you've played perfect dark, you would know what the pillar is.

Anyways......please post if you like it or not, thank you.

This isn't for a flag position. This is a bunker just out in the battlefield that you jump in because you getting pounded from thrown grenades.Hivemind wrote:well, were gunna have to see how u use it... i mean sure its a base.. but its not good enough for a flag.. theres no good gaurding.. no teleport spot, its just not big enough.. wait.. i have a new computer.. im rite now reinstalling 3ds max on my new 120 gig hardrive(my old hdd failed.. so u know, i gotta upgrade..) and then ill show u what i mean by guardable
I'm not sure about aligning with any of the grids, but most of the grid lines are in incriments of 1, 10, and so one. Keep the numbers nice easy numbers. Believe it or not, this bunker has even points (like 10 and 2.5, don't go any smaller than 0.25 differencesHivemind wrote:edit** oh, almost frogot, since im using 3ds max (very similiar to gmax) i was just curious if u knew how to turn on a "grid: per say.. and make evrything align to the grid (otherwise i have to zoom in to get everything exactly where i want it) thx if u know
Grid Size...Hivemind wrote:yes.. how do i change the gridsize tho.. im using 3ds max (repeating myself now) and i know the grid is infinetly set.. not at the 10, and 2.5 incriments.. where is the setting for this in gmax? thx.. but whats up with perfect dark?