Ok, obviously this map isnt finished and its just the start of it. Its going to be pretty cool when it's done.
things that are gonna be added:
two platforms in the middle and a bridge from each one that goes to the side of the map
different types of ripples and hills (everything's flat now, it wont be when it's finished).
the red and blue things are U shaped hills. the bases will be on the other side (you have to go around the hills to get to the base.
i want constructive critism and ideas for improvement.
New map my firend's making.
those arnt bases, there big cliff type hills. the bases go inside the U. this is so you have to go around to get to the base. its almost kind of like a mix of blood gulch and infinity. he's also thinking about adding creeks in the middle.hydroxic wrote:i think there should be a diff base shape, just looks weird to me...