[WIP] Goldeneye Facility

Finish a new model/mesh? Got something you're working on? Finish a new map? Here's the place to post it for feedback and whatnot.
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Post by SPARTAN04 »

ya, i want to know that too. the map looks AWESOME and i really want to play it. I would help if i could. :)
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Post by -Laser- »

Just so people know...

I have been quite busy with school, and have had very little time to work on the level itself. I have however been taking pictures for some textures I'm redoing.

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Post by -Laser- »


I've recruited a (real-life)friend of mine to make gun models for me!!! He has a ton of experience with light-wave, but has been watching so many 3dsmax video tutorials(not hek ones, just 3ds max) over the last few days, he probably already knows more about it than me. >_< From what I've seen of his work in lightwave, he is way better than me at gun modeling.
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Post by TomClancey »

Cool, I could donate some of my models from *project title removed* or model some if you needed.

Also, looking forward to some more updates. It's coming along nicely.
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Post by rentafence »

-Laser- wrote:^_^

I've recruited a (real-life)friend of mine to make gun models for me!!! He has a ton of experience with light-wave, but has been watching so many 3dsmax video tutorials(not hek ones, just 3ds max) over the last few days, he probably already knows more about it than me. >_< From what I've seen of his work in lightwave, he is way better than me at gun modeling.
I guess you dont have any use for the PPK I was gonna lend you then =p

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Post by -Laser- »

NOTICE: until recently, I've been too busy with school to even touch facility. However, now that school is out, the only thing keeping me from continuing my work are the facts that A)I've been to lazy/busy to set up my desktop since I took it to a friends house in March, B)Within the next week or two, i'll be purchasing a laptop with the gf8600, and C)I may just wait until I can get a copy of H2V
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Post by TomClancey »

Well that's some good news in a long time. Glad to see your still working on this.

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Post by Lowallyn »

bump since no one else has the balls to

is it over? did you stop? or is it just kinda tinkering with it every now and then?
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Post by -Laser- »

OK. I hate to say this, but Goldeneye Facility is dead. I will summarize in a few phrases.

police, search warrant
no more computers
suspended from SMU
possible criminal charges

:( :( :( :( I fucked up bad :( :( :( :(
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Post by Cryticfarm »

bricksarefun wrote:You deserve it?
Seriously, you hacked, you knew the risk, it's your fault.

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Post by metkillerjoe »

cryticfarm wrote:
bricksarefun wrote:You deserve it?
Seriously, you hacked, you knew the risk, it's your fault.
He's not complaining. He's explaining. I'm not saying its bad that you are saying that, but let's not rub salt in his wounds shall we? If he's intelligent enough to hack then he's probably intelligent enough to know this.

But yeah, that sucks. I wish the facility had been completed, but oh well.
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Post by Cryticfarm »

Ya, I thought I put in I feel real sorry for you, and I just wanted to quote that...

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Post by Caboose{SE} »

lol hacked. i assume smu is a school of some sorts? if so that's lol.
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Post by -Laser- »

metkillerjoe wrote: but let's not rub salt in his wounds shall we?
Thank you. I've had a lot of that lately, from assorted people.

Anyway, I really don't want to go into the details, but it was primarily exploratory hacking; no damage was done. That said, I did do wrong, and I did put myself in a position where I could have done a lot of damage, had I so chosen. And now, I'm paying the price.

In the event I get my computers back, it is quite possible drives will be totally formatted.

For those that are curious, my computers are currently at the North Texas Regional Computer Forensics Laboratory

EDIT: Yes, SMU = Southern Methodist University
I got caught mainly because I made some careless mistakes, and because I used some poor techniques. I know where I went wrong(besides hacking in the first place). Not that I plan to repeat it.
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