statue of liberty

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statue of liberty

Post by rmb7 »

Hi I was wondering if some one could make a statue of liberty model in .3DS format. I need it because I am making a new map for ce and its going to be during the cold war and Liberty island and Ellis island are going to be in the map. So if any one wants to make it just make the texture so it looks like its snowing on it. You also don't have to worry about the inside but if you want to thats fine with me.

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Post by TomClancey »

No one is going to take weeks to model you the Statue of Liberty and have it fully textured. Stop being lazy and learn to model yourself.

You'll have much more respect in this community if you don't wait on people for them to get things done only you want.
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Post by SnaFuBAR »

or try it's likely that there is one there, but not sure if there's one low-poly enough for your uses. otherwise you might be out of luck.
Dude. No. Do you even know who Katarn and Snaf are?They are some of the few 1337est modelers that have ever set foot in CE. =D
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