Halo 2 AutoUpdate 1.5 + Highplains and Derelict

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Halo 2 AutoUpdate 1.5 + Highplains and Derelict

Post by Ketchup_Bomb »

Ok, I have just clocked 10 different topics with people discussing how to download the maps, mod them, and play them on Live.
I've also seen quite a few posts on how to get these maps for 'free'.

Look, Halomods is, and always will be, against modding on Xbox Live. Modding on this service is a slap in the face to Bungie and Microsoft.
Halomods could get into serious trouble if either companies think we're helping people mod on Live.

You all agreed to a Terms of Service and Use Agreement when you signed up for Live, and downloaded the DLC maps. Modding on Live violates these contracts, and Bungie/Microsoft has every right to take away your ability to play on Live.
Bungie, up to this point, has only banned you from Matchmaking. Quite lenient, if you ask me.

But Halomods is going to be much more strict than Bungie or Microsoft. If we get any hint of you modding on Live, even if "it's just in custom games," you'll be punished.
We've tried to keep a clean slate with Bungie since we started modding back in '03. And we're going to show them that even though we're hardcore fans and push their creations to their limits, we still want to support Bungie.

This is your only warning.

Edit: I would also like to address the concept on modding on the 360.
Modding on the 360 is possible. Most of us know about it. And even though there may be nothing wrong with it, we're still not going to cross that road until the 360 is fully chipped.
We do not support modding on the 360 for a few reasons. One of them is because it's very easy to mod on Live once you do know.
So, while we acknowledge the fact you can mod on the 360, we're not going to support it. Don't ask, as we won't tell.
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Post by Tural »

I'm adding to this. There will be NO DISCUSSION of getting the maps without paying for them on Xbox Live AT ALL. This means no hinting, no asking, no offering to give them. Anyone who does so can and probably will be punished immediately. This is your only warning, I suggest you heed it.