IM beggining to think HEK is a a big fat lie now i want it to relese just as bad as everyone else but i mean the last pic was in gmax and its been staled for a while and it just mught be a hocks to me
XxhunterxX wrote:IM beggining to think HEK is a a big fat lie now i want it to relese just as bad as everyone else but i mean the last pic was in gmax and its been staled for a while and it just mught be a hocks to me
HEK is real. It the place you go when you die.
No, seriously, I think it real. Stuff at big companies just takes long.........
Yea right, the longer it takes the better it will be my testicles. Look at Halo PC, it was in developement for so long and it still could of been soooooooo much better. Being that the only reason I (and many others) bought the pc version in the first place was only because of a couple of new weapons and a few new mp maps. If it wasn't for these, this game would have equalled shit.
i think they are waiting on Doom3 and Half-Life 2, to be released. that way there will be more reason to buy halo. you have to remember M$ is the greediest company in the world, if it means they can make an extra 10 bucks, they will sell their soul, and kill whoever needs to be killed.
1. this program aint coming
2. they just saying they making it for popularity
3. they wanna be hotshots
4 this petition thing they relesed heck its another FAKE way to hold the release of a program that will never exist
1. this program aint coming
2. they just saying they making it for popularity
3. they wanna be hotshots
4 this petition thing they relesed heck its another FAKE way to hold the release of a program that will never exist
i actually believe the same thing, if they had this pimp ass modding tool, why would it take 3 months of testing? GearBox used something to make the new maps (that worked flawlessly), and they had them MONTHS before halopc came out.
almost every other FPS in history, comes with an editor, why not halo?