Were back and we need your help...

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Were back and we need your help...

Post by TheMadModder »

This made Halomods Frontpage, And I think that it is
important news :wink:.....

Were back and we need your help...

My previous server company shut Halo Maps down for no apparent
reason, which in result was a total loss of valuable data. I backed up
the site every week but had no time to recover my forum database,
so you now what that all means don't you... your help rebuilding it! I am
so sorry about the loss of everything, you have no idea the amount of
time I spent trying to recover the old database. I was practically sick
to my stomach for days over this, and thought to myself I cannot let
this site die. My goal here for Halo Maps is to rebuild it back up to the
point at which it was. Now here is what I have from the old Halo
Maps Server... Everything but the database! So all the mods you
have submitted before are still in a safe place. Other than that Halo
Maps is now running on a Solid Brand New Dedicated Linux Server! I
am sure you all will be happy about this. Now lets stop bullshitting and
get this site back to normal please! Lets do this...

Website: www.halomaps.com

Forums: www.halomaps.com/forum/

Contributed by: Hizlo
Image over 500x120. Read the rules before reposting.

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Post by bullet »

that used to be my favorite halo modding site and i was wondering what happened
The Arbiter

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Post by The Arbiter »

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Post by BEEF!!! »

Geez! Don't bump!!!