Halo video need help the greatest idea ever

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Halo video need help the greatest idea ever

Post by albertsf »

Ok im not a master at modding Halo. But i respect the work of those of you who are. Here is were my skills and yours come together. Now your wondering what skills could i possibly have well video. From video editing to well a master at making awsome videos. I reallly want to make movies using halo and other games. But it would be cool to have custom content. Thats were you come in. First i think it would be cool to have a spectator mode like mode but no hud. So the video looks good then that would be the camera. Then custom animations in fact. The film will not just be filmed in game. Use 3ds max or something like that to make movie scences and anything else that way we can create an awsome movie. Custom levels and about everything else that would help.

Then the move should be about 60-90 minutes long. We need a story line audio voices make this the greatest halo film ever. We must beat red vs blue though. I dont really want this to be funny, Or make it so its a bunch of guys in the Halo world goffing off. I mean like real film real story line

WOW is that enough info for you.

Well i know what your thinking theres now way we could pull this off.
But the truth is we can. If we can get this together get organized then we can do it and i have a dedicated server to help with that.

If your are interested in helping please contact me albert_frates@hotmail.com

Message me or send an e-mail if im not online.
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Post by maca_§ »

Wrong forum, sorry.
Sounds like a good idea but this would go in the Movie section :wink:.

Good luck :D
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