I am currently working on a score board for the game. It is going pretty well, except I'm having trouble with the INI files and I can't get it to SAVE the data for when you quit the game. If any of you have experience with the games factory and know how to get saves to work please tell me how.
I am almost ready to release a beta version of a Halo space shooter that I have also been working on at the same time I have been working on the other halo Game I'm making.
It's good, for a small game, although a bit buggy.
On the intro you should have done the event: When explosions animation stopped has finished: Destroy. Otherwise, descent try at a Halo fangame.
Small, but good, and a little like that Dogfight game.
You could have used less Games Factory Library objects though!
I kept the explosions on the planet from dissapearing because the explosions on earth shown in that halo 2 teaser trailer took a while to completly dissapear since they were so big, so I wanted the explosions to act like that.
I will be making more custom objects once I get more of the game done.
I have been staring at the help screen in the games factory for about an hour or more now and I have finaly learned how to utilize platform game physics. This is good because now I can make my halo side shooter(not the one that I released a demo of) better by making it so I don't need all the characters objects constantly moving. They can stop now, jump, and fall.