Yet Another New Halo 2 Screenie

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Dj Suppai Saru

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Joined: Sun Feb 01, 2004 2:13 pm
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Post by Dj Suppai Saru »

Demonic Spartan wrote:
Dj Suppai Saru wrote:
DM01 wrote:ooooooo holding a SMG AND a plasma pistol....most mean that only single hand weapons will be able to be used with anothother one hand weapon...
Not true, look at the other guy: he is utalizing a one handed shotgun.

Plus, what is the weapon in the background guys other hand (the one with the shotgun)?
He just picked up the shotgun, so the *battle rifle* is flying out of his hand. The scope looks like a hand, but he's just moving his other hand in a sweeping motion towards the shotgun, so he's probably just about to handle the Shot Gun two handed.

OOOOk, I get it, thanks for clarifying....

Oh and PS people: This is a multiplayer level, not campaign....I thought it was campaign myself untill i looked closer at the guy in the warthog in the very far background....He's Red, the other guy running in the Background also looks red.....
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