Update on Halo 2 ripping

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Update on Halo 2 ripping

Post by BEEF!!! »

Hey guys. I was just checking out the GBX forums when I found this- http://gbxforums.gearboxsoftware.com/sh ... hp?t=48339
Supposedly there's some stuff going around to say that Bungie doesn't mind if you use their content in your mods. This was quoted from a PM with Shishka (Bungie Forum moderator) "You don't need permission to make a mod, provided you're not charging for it. It would be appreciated though if you made sure to specify that Halo and Halo-related content is all copyright to Bungie and Microsoft, though."
As it stands right now that quote is slightly unconfirmed but no one on the Bungie forums has said anything against it.
At the moment, the Halomods rules stay the same about ripped content. Until the admins have come upon a desision the rule will remain the same.

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Post by twilkey2002 »

Dude the bad thing is, I have seen sites where they charge for their mods.

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Post by p0lar_bear »

I'm e-mailing the webmaster of bungie.net about this issue, to get an answer, or to get pointed in a better direction.

That topic was locked, by the way. Let's just say Black collided with White, and whatever it did, it didn't make Gray. :?
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