I don't know what's happened, but the Halomods banner doesn't show up anymore. And I actually liked the post count being shown next to every member's post. Why'd you take it out?
thats what i was saying in the complaints/ suggestions section with post count problem and now the little blue things to the right in the index are gone whats up admins help!!!!!!!
Did the thought go through your mind that maybe they disabled the post count just because of spamming (wow i almost flamed there lol) *manages to pull of something as close as possible to "nice"* whores (nothing against you wes lol, just the ppl who want thier ranks up) who think it would be awsome to have a high rank when ranks say NOTHING at all really, i always thougt it would be cool to be an Elite, but nothing has changed AT ALL!
So people DONT waste your time spamming.
I for one am actually glad that post count thing is gone.
I liked the post count. now its gone
I liked the banner. now its gone
I liked the dark halomods skin. now its gone
I liked the usual adds. now all I see is Black and White 2
Why do you keep taking things from me?
multi-genre wrote:whores (nothing against you wes lol, just the ppl who want thier ranks up) who think it would be awsome to have a high rank when ranks say NOTHING at all really
lol, i believed that the post count display increased spamming.... woot
yea they are. I havn't noticed any difference. Still after slepping around 20 new posts, home from schools aound 130, and evry two hours between those 20-30.
Maybe this isnt Halomods Maybe some sadistic guy recreated a halomnods replica hacked halomods to direct them here, and forgot to put the banner thus revealing his sadistic plot