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I must be the doughboy cause I just baked another one. 9th

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2005 6:23 pm
by Ketchup_Bomb
So, I'm in a really good mood so...
Well, I made this sig in about 10 minutes. Probably the shortest about of time I have spent on a sig before.
Good or not so good?


And no one has answered my question yet.. cookie to the first one!! =D
What is the limit as X --> 1+ (Positive side of one) of X/(X-1)?

lim ............. X/
x -->1+ ..... X-1

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2005 6:52 pm
dude.. i already answered that quiestion!!!
i said apple pie

anyway.. its okay i guess
7.6/10 :wink:
lol.. no thats what i really do think

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2005 6:55 pm
by Ketchup_Bomb
And apple pie is wrong! (Apple sucks.. pumpkin is where it's at.)
But anyways.. yeah. Back to the sig-ness.

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2005 6:59 pm
the poll is so random..

alright.. back to the sig ness.

*dances like a spamming wildabeast*

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2005 7:00 pm
by Tsuin Taiyou
It's that supposed to be math????

Anyways nice sig dewd I give it uhhhh um lets see I just won't give you a rating :P


Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2005 7:07 pm
by Ketchup_Bomb
BFIGHTER wrote:the poll is so random..
Yeah, mostly for the auto-pruner. :P
But I like keeping my life random. If you want, I will show you one of my many trains of thought that most likely crashed on it's way to where ever it was going...
So we went to the Shakespearean Festival yesturday down in Southern Utah for an AP English trip. As we were going, the bus had to stop for some gas. We piled out and I went a got a Powerade and some beef jerky.. *Loves beef jerky*. So I was standing outside when all of a sudden, I start itching badly. I look down and I am being eaten by mosquitoes. So, I go on a killing rampage with me AP Physics homework. Once I get back on the bus, I start itching again from the dumb mosquito bites, and I wonder to myself, "I wonder if there are any mosquitoes that snuck onto the bus and if they are biting me right now.." So after standing up jumping a few times to shake em off and sitting back down, I wonder to myself is there had EVER been a mosquito on the bus. Then I think of when it was being built if one just flew in and out when there was no roof and if that would count. But then I think, "They have to make alot of these buses to make a profit. Did this get built in one day?" So I asked my friends around me and I was promptly told to turn around and shut up. So I sat for four and a half hours on that bus pondering whether or not if this bus that I was sitting in was built in one day or not. The end. =)
[TS] wrote:It's that supposed to be math????
Yeah, the answer is actually infinity.
Proof: If X is approaching 1 from the positive side, then that means it will be SUPER close to 1 but never 1. So when you take 1.0000000001 (get the picture? Super close to 1 but never 1.) minus 1, it will be a FREAKIN small number. Then if you divide 1.00000001 by a super small number, then it will eventually diverge to infinity.

Back to teh sig mb? 8)

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2005 7:09 pm
by Tsuin Taiyou
KEtCHuP_bOMB wrote:
[TS] wrote:It's that supposed to be math????
Yeah, the answer is actaully infinity.
Proof: If X is approaching 1 from the positive side, then that means it will be SUPER close to 1 but never 1. So when you take 1.0000000001 (get the picture? Super close to 1 but never 1.) minus 1, it will be a FREAKIN small number. Then if you divide 1.00000001 by a super small number, then it will eventually diverge to infinity.

Back to teh sig mb? 8)
I have no idea what you just said... is that high school stuff or college? lol

And teh sig is teh nicenesstrocitacularitation

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2005 7:15 pm
that story.. it was beatiful :cry:

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2005 7:22 pm
by Ketchup_Bomb
Oh, the train's in the station... it's posted in other words.

And did anyone notice that 3 people chose the Kirby? lol. I just think it funny.
<("<) - ^("^) - (^")^ - (>")>

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2005 7:24 pm
what kinda noob picked the top one?
jesh.. who doesnt pick kirby?

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2005 7:57 pm
by Metal Millitia
Cause that kirby sux.

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2005 8:05 pm

cant beat the wavy arms!

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2005 8:11 pm
by Metal Millitia

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2005 8:14 pm
by Tsuin Taiyou
[quote="Metal Millitia"]

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2005 8:19 pm
i think i just got beat >_<
double armed kirby?..

no htat sucks

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2005 9:33 pm
by shortysk8monkey
ugh, what is it with these forums? nobody cares about effort into sigs, they just make sigs hoping that people will say "good job! 10/10!" and so they can feel that much better about themselves. guys, if your going to make a sig, put time and effort into them, when you just make sigs just to make them, those are usually the ones that turn out the worst. i know from experience. 4/10 for the sig...

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2005 10:26 pm
well.. looks like misfit just rained on the party..

no one really cares what sigs look like now... you just post it and ppl just pick a number.
and btw.. alotta new ppl are joining... so.. just say this "keep going good job youll get better" and then maybe the newer ppl can keep working and maybe get good like some other ppl..

dude.. i have to say though.. your sig isnt that greatest either... i dont know why you think your the best.

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 6:04 am
by Infern0
Ketchup bomb, you're misinformed. GG is not the way to go. KK is the new trend now. :o Nice sig btw.

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 6:30 am
by Ketchup_Bomb
shortysk8monkey wrote:put time and effort into them, when you just make sigs just to make them, those are usually the ones that turn out the worst.
I never said that I made it just for making it. I don't post every sig I make. I went through about 7 different ones and this is the one I liked the most so I posted it.
And just because it only took ten minutes doesn't mean I didn't work that hard on it.. maybe it means I'm getting better? :?
Oh well, thanks for your input, any advice as to what would make it better?