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[MOD] Flood Infestation v1.1 for Lockout

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2005 7:25 pm
by behemoth911
Flood Infestation on Lockout v.1

By behemoth911

This is my first full level mod that I made, it took me 2 weeks to do. I started modding 3 weeks ago.

1. Level reskined to match Flood environment.
2. New Sky and fog in the background
3. Level is a lot darker
4. All weapons reskinned to flood or battlescarred
5. MC and elite also reskinned
6. Weapon projectiles changed, including a flamethrower and a nuke
7. Weapons renamed
8. MC has flashlight, Invisibility and Banshee on map
9. Jackal shield and fuel rod on map

Version 1.1 Updates:
1. Projectile changes

1. Becomes light when more than one controller is in play on one xbox
2. Sometimes other people can't spawn when you host
3. BR, Sniper, and Rocket will freeze game, so dont put them on map or as 1st or secondary weapon.

All bugs will be corrected soon. The level skin will be changed. Expect more versions of Flood Infestation.

If you want to play the mod on xbc, my username is behemoth911 and I host games on the weekends.

Special thanks to:
Doober, who gave me ideas for the mod, tested it out, and helped reskin parts of the level.
Branden, who took the screenshots and tested the mod. user on xbc: LuxuriousMeat
Instinct2kill, for testing out the mod and finding bugs. user on xbc: instinct2kill


Version 1.1
Mod is in serenity format: ... enity.html

It is system link compatible

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2005 7:26 pm
by Zigen
might want to edit in ur post this is not ur first mod. undoubtly

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2005 7:28 pm
by behemoth911
its the updated version

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2005 7:29 pm
by link_36p
wut he said, but nice mod, yet there seem to be FLOODS of modz rectently that look generally like this :( Dawn Of Warfar was a refreshing site that is now being overpowered

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2005 7:33 pm
by TnG MoDs
the pics dont show up for me... i dont know whats wrong it just has this picture


EDIT: i can see the pics now ... looks nice but if theres a bug w/ the weapons you should replace them or just take them out so people dont have to keep rebooting their xbox

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2005 12:13 pm
by CamDaMan607
nice job. cant wit till its all done and no bugs! if u messed up the br, sniper, and whatever other weapon it was just fix the meta with the meta fixer posted on here of whatever u messed up, and redo the weapon.