[MAPPACK] KilltrocityMappack 2

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Post by ninja modder »

agreed wiht munsie...its not as diverse....but still great none the less...

now can anyone help me with the system link thing none working? wen i join a game it says failed to load map...but splitscreen works fine

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Post by slayer410 »

Even know I got a source map does not match original error, everything worked and played like a charm. Mad props.


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Post by The-Reason »

Is anyone else hosting?

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Post by Jubakuba »

GAMA biased.
didn't notice that...but yea...
maybe thats why no ones good mods are in here except hsm ans stoner's friends
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Post by smokey »

I cant believe some of these skins...they are so detailed

Skinning is my weakness...dont get it down very well and I dont know much about it yet
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Post by newbymodder »

man this mappack coming out kinda overcasts my little mod i released the other day lol oh well it was only a beta for my first mabey when i submit the finished product it will be a good mod idk bout mappack worthy but i guess u guys can determin that
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Post by r0tten »

well since no one seemed to read my little revieq qhich said this was biased to hsm & friends then i guess i'll get on the band wagon and agree with munsie too.

it seems many good mods were overlooked and many of the same mods fromv1 made it back in. i still have not seen a well made map pack since allied map pack and for that one reason only. i'm sorry headshot bu not all of your mods deserve the praise they get. yes many of them are good but it seems you put priority on getting your mods and many other mods made by your "friends" in here and overlooked many other well made mods.

like i said before maybe you should work that problem out if and when you make a killtrocity v3. a suggestion would be to put a limit on how many mods a single author can put in that way you are forced to choose the best from that one person and it leaves room for a more diverse collection of maps.

still you did a good job, i will probably just down load this and pick and choose which maps i actually want in there then replace a large portion of them with my own.

good luck on a version 3 if there is one.
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Post by Gizza »


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Post by smacktalker »

r0tten wrote:it seems many good mods were overlooked and many of the same mods fromv1 made it back in. i still have not seen a well made map pack since allied map pack and for that one reason only. i'm sorry headshot bu not all of your mods deserve the praise they get. yes many of them are good but it seems you put priority on getting your mods and many other mods made by your "friends" in here and overlooked many other well made mods.

like i said before maybe you should work that problem out if and when you make a killtrocity v3. a suggestion would be to put a limit on how many mods a single author can put in that way you are forced to choose the best from that one person and it leaves room for a more diverse collection of maps.

still you did a good job, i will probably just down load this and pick and choose which maps i actually want in there then replace a large portion of them with my own.
its you again with your random, suggestive politics.. posts like these that serve no purpose at all are not wished here. then again its headshotmasta his thread and from the past i've noticed you seem to have a personal grudge against him (also a totally random grudge)
allied mappack was the worst ever, had many noninteresting maps, freezing issues and non systemlinkable maps, i wonder how you liked this crappack.. lmao.
its simple as it is, GAMA makes the best halo 2 mods out there, headshot in particular.. you sure as hell jump to conclusion and make from a insect an elephant because there's only 2 maps back in from kmpv1, 2 biohazards.. who cares?
another so random comment: let 1 author have a X max amount of maps in a mappack? thats so tarddd (say headshot makes 10 extreme leet mods, i'd have to leave out 8 of them because other mods that are much wanker takes its place? thats not how the world spins around )
firstly if you start wining about some good mods not being in there, why don't you mention some of them.. because there aren't ANY mods good enough. you have a great imagination because its not about putting friend's mods in.. its about content being good enough. :roll:

firstly you should start mentioning some good mods that you think are good enough for this pack.. maybe that's the only point you made with ur random, unsupported post.

/i cry so bad coz this particular group of people posting their random problems here, problems that can be solved by simply reading the instructions..
Last edited by smacktalker on Mon Nov 27, 2006 4:42 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by Kewl-Aid »

ninja modder wrote:
Kewl-Aid wrote:no - when I join the party it says Deep Blue Sea - but then it says I failed to load. SO I go to split-screen and I load it just fine!
does the same to me!! wat happened? i have the font folder in my maps folder and everyhting. loads everything fine...wtf happened
Well, its because they dont have the mappack and you do. I tested with my xbox 360 - I hosted a party and set it to ascension and it said Deep Blue Sea on my screen and said I failed to load the map. Then I changed it to some other map and from ithen on, it said unknown map and I failed to load all of them. lol, we're stupid :roll:
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Post by xheadshotmastax »

r0tten wrote: 1#
it seems many good mods were overlooked and many of the same mods fromv1 made it back in. i still have not seen a well made map pack since allied map pack and for that one reason only.
You say many of the same mods from v1?
Check your statement... there are 2 maps from the old one to complete the biohazard series. So thats a really big deal?
Sorry to say but in the next mappack i do ill include some paper you can clean up the tears when you start whining about that. :(
r0tten wrote: 2#
i'm sorry headshot bu not all of your mods deserve the praise they get. yes many of them are good but it seems you put priority on getting your mods and many other mods made by your "friends" in here and overlooked many other well made mods.
Why do you say that to me? Did i ever said its a MUST like the maps i make? :(
I did NOT so next time you better PM all the guys posting that they like a map you dont.
Rotten... if you wouldve opened your eyes and went on www.faisalmods.com into the forums you wouldve seen that there was extra a topic to suggest what maps there should be in. Alot of people came to there and NO ONE whined about the amount of maps I got in. :|
You had the chance to suggest other maps. If you dont like it dont play it thats how it is.
r0tten wrote: 3#
a suggestion would be to put a limit on how many mods a single author can put in that way you are forced to choose the best from that one person and it leaves room for a more diverse collection of maps.
Hmm if you help us finding 50 maps of diffrent authors ok. However i think you wont even be able to find 25 worthy maps by diffrent authors of diffrent teams to put in the mappack.
r0tten wrote: 4#
still you did a good job, i will probably just down load this and pick and choose which maps i actually want in there then replace a large portion of them with my own.
and yes indeed i am pissed when reading such random stuff like 1# and 2#

Same to you munsie, either you couldve just took alook on the official homepage and checked the topic about the killtrocity 2 out. :(

the mappack will probably get a little update due to a error we found in a map while playing this map over xlink yesterday.
So again to you Rotten. As i said were probably going to update it.
You do have ANOTHER chance now for helping and searching new maps for it.
http://www.faisalmods.com/forums.php?m= ... ast#bottom
Your random toughts brought us nothing but thanks again.

excuse my typing , english is not my primary language.
Last edited by xheadshotmastax on Mon Nov 27, 2006 6:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by ninja modder »

not to get off the whole biased subject but....my system link still isnt working :oops:

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killtrocity , the 2nd

Post by tjhooker »

at first. . . great job and thank you for the music!!

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Post by Supernova9000 »

I found a glitch in vehicle wars.....When u shoot the rocket laucher the game freezes

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Post by smacktalker »

then don't :wink:
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Post by Supernova9000 »

smacktalker wrote:then don't :wink:
Point taken

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Post by hmackenu69 »

Is someone going to make a ready to burn ISO for this map pack like they did the last one? It was nice to just download and play right off of a torrent site. Just wondering, thanks
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Post by JesseCuster »

sorry for my bad english, but i have something to say:

to all the people who have problems with the making of this mappack and the maps and what ever....

1.if u dont like it- create ur own
2.if u think there are a lot gamamods in it - create ur own
3.if u dont like the mainmenu - create ur own
4. if u dont like everything..make ur own ****

ok, some people got there opinion for this pack thats cool and criticism is ok, but what u talking about?? This pack and all the stuff needed a lot of time and work, most of the people love it and i think it gets the same downloadcount like the first one...maybe 20000 or more??

All u can change ur patches for the maps and than u can use the autopatcher for ur own little pack....

Stop screaming and crying about the pack....noone oblige u to download it....

THX and lets play this ****
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Post by SingingBlaze »

I loved it all, they were great fun and I played them with my little brother yesterday. I can't believed I never played Covenant Shaft before, that was an awesome map JC. Scarecrow made me wet myself, I was so damn scared. :oops: . I also loved alot more that I won't ramble on about. My only problem was vehicle wars and soccer mounds, they were creative enough but I don't think they quite live up to alot of the mods in here. Oh and I'll say it once again. Smacktalker that mainmenu is so friggin sweet!
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Post by THE-MASTER »

How many mods by you are there in that...

Not flaming. GJ on it though :wink:
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