Battery wrote:
you know what would be great. when we really advance through ai make them respawn of course. be just as good as a human, and make them compatible with ctf, assault, king of the hill, territories, and team slayer , when we make them on speacialized teams and everything.
get them to randomely run up to a warthog or something and get in, and stop for more ai soldiers, and go for the flag , thats when i will have a big ai party , but i dont know if we will try to advance that far with ai... , thats the sad part....
wow such a big post
im sorry, but that wont happen. maybe them getting in vehicles with us, but not flags, or assault, or ball games. they dont even do that in SP, ti dont think thats theres anything we can bring over and mess with from an SP map to make AI do a flag game. youd have to write some very complex script, though, im hoping somebody will please prove me wrong
Well, can't we just take a SP BSP conversion map and put AI in there considering wouldn't it still have the AI path for them to move about freely?? or will we end up with the same thing we already have... idk just an idea
Hey, could you do better? If you could, wouldn't it be much more productive if you fixed it and posted it, instead of being stupid? Oh and I actually do love it when the run into walls, that way they're easy to kill
Zone 117 wrote:Hey, could you do better? If you could, wouldn't it be much more productive if you fixed it and posted it, instead of being stupid? Oh and I actually do love it when the run into walls, that way they're easy to kill
Uhh i wasent kidding i do love how they run into the walls and i do understand how dificult it would be to even contemplate how to code them to know where the walls are.
yeah a lockout mod (ai) would be awesome! i dont really have the time to read and work on tutorials but maybe some time on the weekends. that would be awesome with ai with set paths maybe to run around the map and jump over some gaps in the map and possibly just go back and forth throughout the map.
once i learn how to respawn i'm gonna do all maps... problem is this is a jmad edit therefore maps like ascencion and lockout would be a problem (walking off edges) unfortunatly i'm not an expert on ai, so making zones will most likly not be descovered by me, infact i'm sure of it... but i will try