I got a problem. When I convert the bsp then I go to scnr tag I cant clone the scen palette or scen chunks or w/e
but if I clone the scen palette and scen w/e then I convert the bsp I cant use all of it. I can only use the original amount in gemini.
The Swamp Fox wrote:I'm not just keeping it to be an ***; it's fundamentally flawed as a map... It doesn't systemlink correctly... Not the standard predicted resource issue, it's something else - not sure what.
Guess I misunderstood then. That's good news, because I have high hopes for a huge mp map that'd be mostly vehicle based combat.
Like swampfox said this map freezes becouse the bsp is expecting certian scen tags to be spawned at certian co-ordinates. So i had a look though the bsp and i think i found the reflex that is responsible for that.
Edit: more testing needed download removed for now
Last edited by shade45 on Thu May 04, 2006 6:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
kibito87 wrote:so what do i do with this app shade? lol i'm looking at the picture and i dunno what exactly to do with it, when/if i download it.
what you gotta do is find the chunks that have a name toll booth then set thier XYZ co-ords outside of the map then try loading the map and see if it still freezes at the spot where the tool toll booths are supposed to be.
UPDATE: I updated the serenity patch abit. 1. i spread out the spawns a bit more. Incase you and a friend or 2 would like to try it out and not spawn in the same location. 2. I put all scenary and machines around the area for a little more added fun.
more warthogs.
all weapons achievable.
tele's added.
air lift added.
auto doors put in place to stop vehicles from entering the freeze zone.
If this mod adds all the scenery and stuff that is on the Mombasa Bridge, then all that would have to manually be fixed for SLC, and on your mod you either didn't bring all that stuff over too or SLC fixed it yourself.
Agent ME wrote:If this mod adds all the scenery and stuff that is on the Mombasa Bridge, then all that would have to manually be fixed for SLC, and on your mod you either didn't bring all that stuff over too or SLC fixed it yourself.
I was just basing my answer on what TSF said. I didnt put any of the scenery where it used to be. I just took all the collections and weapons n stuff and put them in a area that was reachable for people. I myself have only froze when entering the tunnel. I'm not sure why, and can't explain that but all i did was do the conversion. I didnt drag anything else from the sp map over.