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Post by SpecOp44 »

I've recently tried XDSL, the Xbox port of Damn Small Linux.

I want to install Wine, and I have the .dsl file for it, but I've never used Linux and am not sure how to install a .dsl file... I've tried selecting it but nothing happens. Help?
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Post by [cc]z@nd! »

sounds like it's DSL's version of packages. I haven't used DSL myself, but there's got to be a command to isntall a package, or a package manager you could use. for example, debian & ubuntu have apt-get, i'm sure DSL has an equivalent for .dsl files.
ASPARTAME: in your diet soda and artificial sweeteners. also, it's obviously completely safe. it's not like it will cause tumors or anything. >.>
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Post by Ketchup_Bomb »

A quick look at Xbox-Scene yielded:
stevewal wrote:Here's a mini tut on using wine on xdsl 0.6/0.7

1. Dont use Xwine, use wine0.9.22.dsl from the dsl system repository, Xwine has some compatibility issues with newer dsl versions.

2. Download your windows app, after checking WineHQ to see if it works.

3. Go into emelfm and double click the install .exe file of the app to install. Or issue the command wine your_file.exe.

4. Your app will probably install to /home/dsl/.wine/ drive_c/Program Files/ . You will need to click the little H button on the top bar of emelfm to see the hidden directory .wine in /home/dsl. So navigate to the launching .exe file for your program and double click it to run.

5. You can make a desktop icon or menu item as described by master reefed on the tips and tricks thread. An exaple of the launching command for bittornado is:-

Code: Select all

wine /home/dsl/.wine/drive_c/Program_Files/BitTornado/btdownloadgui.exe
You need to rename the directory /program Files to /Program_Files , because linux does not like gaps in the command.
Also, gaining access to the Debian repositories (or enabling "apt-get") would be awesome to install future applications.
stevewal wrote:enabling apt:
If you are running from a loopback or native install you'll probably want to re-enable the debian package utility apt to allow you to install a huge range of programs from the debian repository. It is also recommended you upgrade the GNU Core Utilities. Both of these tasks can be done from the Upgrades menu.
Once this is complete you can then install programs via the command apt-get install myprogram. You may wish to edit your /etc/apt/sources.list beforehand to point it to the debian sarge repositary (comment out the existing lines with # and uncomment the testing lines). apt-get update updates the list of available programs and apt-cache search myprogram searches for a 'myprogram' in the debian repository.
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Post by FleetAdmiralBacon »

Sorry, just saw something I didn't like in the tutorial you quoted:
NEVER rename the Program Files directory.
Windows doesn't accept spaces in a command line either (and that's exactly what most of these "shortcuts" are, commands)
The "Fix" is so simple, there are actually two:
1. Use quotes:

Code: Select all

wine "/home/dsl/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/BitTornado/btdownloadgui.exe"
2. Escape your spaces:

Code: Select all

wine /home/dsl/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/BitTornado/btdownloadgui.exe
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