What are big programs programmed with.

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What are big programs programmed with.

Post by Ghostlypickel »

What are things like PhotoShop and VS2008, programmed in and what language do they use?. Also I believe windows is programmed in Turbo C++, but how do they start it all do they do it on another machine or is all the base code written in assembly, and the rest written form there?
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Post by grimdoomer »

Most likely Native C++.
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Post by Eaton »

I've always wondered how Microsoft makes the program that makes programs. :P
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Post by DrXThirst »

Then, how do they make the programs that make the programs that make programs. :shock:

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Post by Ghostlypickel »

Maybe they write the assembly as base.. then write the rest on and actual machine?
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Post by Eaton »

DrXThirst wrote:Then, how do they make the programs that make the programs that make programs. :shock:
It boggles my mind. :roll:

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Post by Ghostlypickel »

Your emotions are confusing me.
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Post by OwnZ joO »

I think that the .Net Visual Studios are written in C#.net. But yeah other programs like photoshop are written in C++ for the most part.

Well first they had to program in binary obviously, then they started noting what op codes were and made the assembly language out of it. Then they made an assembly compiler from binary code. Then they made the language specifications for C and made a compiler using assembly... ect... Those aren't the only languages obviously, but that's an example of how it went.
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Re: What are big programs programmed with.

Post by bcnipod »

Ghostlypickel wrote:What are things like PhotoShop and VS2008, programmed in and what language do they use?. Also I believe windows is programmed in Turbo C++, but how do they start it all do they do it on another machine or is all the base code written in assembly, and the rest written form there?
I would say about 80-90% of all programs use a derivative of C. That may be C, C++, C#, or regular old C
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Post by OwnZ joO »

Not true, most commercial applications like photoshop and stuff that consumers buy use a derivative of C, but some use java or another language. Newer business applications tend to use java because it is cross compatible. Older business applications were written back in the day(such as banking applications) in languages such as cobol and other older languages, and many of them go with an if its not broke don't fix it approach on updating the code to newer languages that run faster.

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Post by Ghostlypickel »

What do they use to program them then. Like VS2008 or...

Sorry if you answered it (Don't think you did though).
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Post by kibito87 »

Ghostlypickel wrote:What do they use to program them then. Like VS2008 or...

Sorry if you answered it (Don't think you did though).
No they used things that were not nearly as user friendly as that. Atleast back when they started and/or began. That's what i've gotten from this thread.
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Post by [cc]z@nd! »

like was already mentioned, alot of things are written in a C derivative, like C, C++, C#, and Java (which is really more similar in syntax than function).

however, i think it's worth noting that it's not so much the language they pick for these huge monster applications, but how they organize it's construction that matters. things like version control, how bugs are reported and dealt with, and the program's architecture have a bigger impact than language, imo.
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Post by OwnZ joO »

If you're asking what VS2008 was made with then I'm not sure, I think that it was written in .Net so probably VS2005 C# professional edition or some internal IDE.

If you're asking what other programs are programmed in, like photoshop and the other ones in C derivatives then there are many options. There are many IDE's(integrated development environment) and different compilers for C.

I have to agree for the most part that the the language does not matter, but the architecture of the program, especially now with the performance of computers and how much memory they have.
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Post by bcnipod »

Java and C I would say are the two big ones. C gave us Unix, and Java gave us..... Chrome? anyway, for functionality I would say Java is the most universal language, whereas C can be funky between mac and windows.
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Post by CrysisFX »

i currently do some basic stuff in java and i like it a lot more than C. ive had less experience in C than java but for me C was a major pain to debug when java could easily find your errors.

i also found C easier to put something in wrong and it would not give errors but would just do funky things.
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Post by OwnZ joO »

That's the whole thing with C, it will let you do most things, and assumes that you know what you are doing. If you do something a little funky, it assumes you meant to and doesn't check you on it, java on the other hand will give you an error on a lot of it. Not to mention you don't have to deal with pointers and memory management in java.

I realized that we never really answered the question on what programs were used, we just started naming languages.

For C++:
  • Bloodshed Dev-C++
    Borland C++
    Cygwin (GNU C++)
    Intel C++ for linux
    Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition
For Java:
  • BlueJ (what I learned in)
    Stylus Studio
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