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help with connecting to xbox through d-link wireless router

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2005 4:30 pm
by godofchaos
ok, hello, hi, um, ok, im starting to mod halo 2 and what not, and i have been able too, but only by burning dvd+rw's and copying the maps 2 my HDD, and ya, ne wayz, i want to stop doing that, but i cannot connect with my xbox over the wireless conection i have, and i think one of the reasons is that the LAN key (32 characters)set for the xbox doesnot match the LAN key (28 characters) set for my router/computer, and i have absolutly NO idea how to fix this, and if anyone can help me out, i would really appreciate it.

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2005 7:09 pm
by [CV]Jonman
if u have the right things on ur xbox and stuff, and u can change how your router works with your computer, plug ur xbox into ur router, and switch the setting for connection (in settings) to DHCP, and your router will assign it an IP. then to connect and get the files off of your xbox u can get cute FTP here. that will ftp to your xbox once you type in the IP, and then you can transfer files directly from your computer to your xbox and visa versa. if ur modding the maps make a backup of every map inscase :P

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2005 10:00 pm
by godofchaos
ill try that, thank you so much