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Halo 2 Map Modding

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 6:45 pm
by alphajapwolf
Okay, so I've been trying to get this to work for a week, and the last thing I tried was the following.

I Applied Map PPFs to the following Maps:
Zanzibar - Canzibar
Headlong - Headlong Nights Extreme
coagulation - c2oagulation

I decided this time to not edit the file names, so I would not have to use a hex editor, or alter the thing.

I just applied the PPFs Using PPF-O-Matic then I re-did the Encryptomatic Signature thingy, and sent them to my xbox hard drive.

Then before attempting to run the game, I cleared my X, Y and Z drive, to delete the cache.

I get the Dirty Disc Error when I try to run the game, Any Ideas?

I've never had a problem with modding any other games before, but this one is drving me nuts. ANY help would be appreciated.

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 9:32 am
by deepplague
either youve deleted somthing important when deleting or your disks f****d