An unnamed file was not found
An unnamed file was not found
okay i am new at this whole thing, so my friend desides to give me a CD with spark edit 3.1 will one cache fille ( he gives it to me at school and opens it and we play around with it. then, i get to my house and try the very same. i go to open cache file... and then i click on the and it says "an unnamed file was not found" so i call him up and he doesnt know why it doesnt work. what can i do or try to do? and then everytime i close spark edit to give up it says " ERROR SAVING 'sparkedit.dat' (initializtion settings)
you should post in the sparkedit section and mabye you'll get a few more responses. For your problem, mabye you should DL sparkedit again because mabye some filse were missed. Or your friend may have a different OS than your comp at home. (win 98 versions sometimes wont work well on XP, for an example)