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HALO 2 to HALO CE/PC Converted MasterChief Biped Tags

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2005 12:33 am
by jahrain
Sorry these took so long to get release. I expected to finish them quickly until i discovered the weight injector doesnt work on models with LODs =o...
I was hoping to get the source code for it so i could attempt to give it support for the jms models but no go... so i basically had to go back to the stone age in rigging. What a pain that was. Anywho, i also re rendered some new bump maps with some ware and tare so the emulation looks more authentic on my custom shaders. Il include in this post some pics of whats new.

Also as an added bonus i added secondary colorization to the 3rd person models! And as a bigger bonus i included a rigged set of the FP hands allong with custom shaders for it also! Sorry Lee, the rig you sent me had too many excluded verts so i had to re rig the model becuase of the stretched verts i was getting.


Another note: Don't get "Ripped" and "Conversion" mixed up. Ripping is basically ripping off someone elses work as in saying you made something that they made and taking the credit for it. A conversion doesnt say you created it but converted it to another form so your techically not ripping the creator off as long as they dont have a problem with it or has giving you permition to do it.

Heres some pics enjoy!


BTW thanks to LOD models, FPS for low end gfx card users is great!

For anything else heres the READ ME:

***HALO 2 to HALO CE Master Chief Biped Conversion***

Character Models by Bungie
Conversion by Jahrain
Reskinning and Halo 2 Shader emulation by Jahrain
Character and FP hands rigging by Jahrain

Installation Intructions:
1). Exctract files to <insert halo ce directory>/tags/characters/
2). Make a back up of the tags/globals/globals.globals tag
3). Open the globals.globals tag in guerilla
4). Scroll down about 75% though the tag and find the Multiplayer Information Block.
5). Put characters\halo2_masterchief\cyborg_mp for the unit.
6). scroll down some more and find the First Person Interface block and set the first
person hands to characters\halo2_masterchief\fp\fp rigged
7). Save your globals tag.

Addition Customization:
***Please note: You should always set all of the shader tags for each secondary color
permutation to the same values and setting for shader customization.

To set up your model's shaders so the lighting fits your map's lighting, your
should first determine the average light color of the map. If the map is in
a dusky sun set setting the average color may be a tint of orange. If your map
is in a icy canyon, the average color may be a light blue. Once you have desided
what the average color of your map is, open each shader tag included in the package
and set the Self-Illumination color value's upper and lower bounds to the range of
Of the average light color in the map. You may also have a custom cube map that you
can add to the reflection properties at the bottom. Also if your using the default
cube map included, its sugesseted that you set the reflection color bounds to a
a secondary average color from the map. Usually it would be what the ambient lighting
is in the map. If you dont know what that means, that means that you should pick the
average color of the map's bsp as the reflection color bounds. Be sure to do the same
for the FP hands as well.

Soon to come:
More secondary colors
Completed halo 2 bloom emulation
Secondary colors on FP hands

If you choose to release a map using these tags be sure to do the following.
GIVE CREDIT WHERE ITS DUE! (quote by M4573R5 1337) These model were created by
Bungie. Make sure you credit them for the models. These models, LODs included,
were rigged by me. I don't care if my name gets mensioned in the credits or not
just dont go claiming you did that or give others the idea that you rigged the
model. The same applies for the custom shaders. Taking credit for something that
someone else has created is just upright disrespect to the original creators.

<3 Open Source :)
Open sourcing is the best way to go in a development community. Your not only proving goodies
for the unknown players that you may never know about, you creating something that your
fellow developers can enjoy just as much. In order to maintain a friendly and productive
dev community, its best to open source things that your fellow devs can enjoy and
in return others will open source something that you have always wanted. It speeds up the
development for others and allows them to focus on other tasks to create a better end result.
Those are just the basis of evolution. Some times we think that open sourcing something
can have a slight negative impact if a wild group of noobs gather and miss-uses or over
uses something open sourced and just forget about the amount of positivity that can be
created but with held by a fear of noobies, which I happen to call 'Noobaphobia', and it
brings down a development community or keeps it from progressing in some way. Most of the
top modding supported games out there are forced-open-source such as unreal and hl2.
So theres no need to worry about persuading people to open source what they did and
thats what links these games to being at the top of the modding food chain. I strongly
encourage anyone who uses these tags to see my views in why you should support the open
sourcing of tags and information in Halo CE. If you dont see any point in open sourcing
becuase you think theres nothing to gain back in return or fear of not getting credit or
something then put it this way. Who would you rather gain recognition from? A bunch of
random fan boys who like to play your stuff of a bunch of fellow developers who appreciate
what you have done for them. Also i should add, don't look at others work as competition
with what your working on. Look at it as inspiration to make your work even better just
how artists look at paintings from others to inspire them to create something even better.

Been diagnosted by your doctor with Noobaphobia? Theres a cure. Look at the situation
and consider all the negative affects that you think just may accur and ask yourself. "would
this ruin my life if it happened?","Would this completely ruin the lifes of others I care
for?","Do i see any point to continue living if this ever occured?" If answered No to these
questions then you should be cured of Noobaphobia ;)

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2005 12:42 am
by The Spartan!
YES!!!!! JAHRAIN YOU'RE MY HERO!!!! Thank you soooooooooooo much!!!!! I appreciate this 101%!
Thank you very much,
Elite Hunter

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2005 4:45 am
by [AC]god
Thier feet are sticking though the ground...

(Or is that normal collision model problems?)

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2005 6:01 am
by avp DR@AGON
thats normal colission model problem

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2005 1:59 pm
by Dalek
and how would this work for pc just wondering since in the topics name its got halo pc as well as ce.

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 8:22 pm
by Pred6380
die asshole wrote:and how would this work for pc just wondering since in the topics name its got halo pc as well as ce.
It would be cool if sum1 could put these in each multi. player HPC map, just to give it a new look, while still being able to play normally.

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 8:32 pm
by plaguedsoul
thats illigal dude, you cant take halo 2 models and put them into halo ce. the mods should remove this, cuz its a rip.

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 9:24 pm
by Mourge
is this possible to do for PC?


Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 11:51 pm
by Kirk
It is fine, until further notice.

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 5:11 am
by Phoenix7
no comment

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2005 4:42 am
by p0lar_bear
plaguedsoul wrote:thats illigal dude, you cant take halo 2 models and put them into halo ce. the mods should remove this, cuz its a rip.
Jahrain wrote:Another note: Don't get "Ripped" and "Conversion" mixed up. Ripping is basically ripping off someone elses work as in saying you made something that they made and taking the credit for it. A conversion doesnt say you created it but converted it to another form so your techically not ripping the creator off as long as they dont have a problem with it or has giving you permition to do it.

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2005 5:38 am
by Choking Victim
how do they go into pc?

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2005 10:32 am
by a baby seal
Choking Victim wrote:how do they go into pc?
They are tags which are used in HEK. They can only be used in Halo CE.

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2005 10:55 am
by Choking Victim
then why does the subject say "HALO 2 to HALO CE/PC Converted MasterChief Biped Tags"?

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 11:25 am
by [files]Phenomena
you put them in CE then rip to PC, i posted a tutorial in the tutorial section on how to do it.

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 12:50 pm
by Choking Victim
i know how to rip but i dont know how to make maps in ce

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 12:55 pm
by SuperSunnyIsSoDelight
Phenomena wrote:you put them in CE then rip to PC, i posted a tutorial in the tutorial section on how to do it.
***HALO 2 to HALO CE Master Chief Biped Conversion***
"I strongly
encourage anyone who uses these tags to see my views in why you should support the open
sourcing of tags and information in Halo CE."

They have LOD's, don't expect them to even rip into PC. If they do, expect some crappy shaders, as these biped's are famous because of the jaw-dropping shaders.

Plus, Jahrain wanted them to be a conversion, NOT a rip. Kinda ruined the point of the creator, didn't ya?

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 1:16 pm
by Veegie[Temp]
SuperSunnyIsSoDelight wrote:Plus, Jahrain wanted them to be a conversion, NOT a rip. Kinda ruined the point of the creator, didn't ya?
Could say the same for Bungie. ;)

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 1:21 pm
by SuperSunnyIsSoDelight
Obviously you can, I could say the same for many other things. Cept Jahrain actually worked a hell of a lot on the biped itself, and dedicated it to the work of map makers.

I haven't seen Bungie go mad or create a law-suit yet. We go mad because it's degrading work in a large process.

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 2:03 pm
by kornman00
I'm sure they are torn between filing lawsuits and keeping their fans happy, while still (secretly) supporting good modding of the game(s)... :roll: