This forum is for uploading new building blocks for maps such as tags and new models. Please do not post any copyrighted material (ie, models/textures from other games).
just shuv them ito their PC'S while there least expecting it, and let them fight the covenant for REAL, or should we just use the over ride and control them...
oooh, imagine how cool that would be, shuv a guy into a game and control him...
OMG i cant imagine u fucking americans are so gay!! imagine being at the place of this guy!! i dare u noobs cant even make anything with 3ds max... u fuckers just come here to to say bad things to other people this is not a place to do that this guy tryed like evryone to create a model and u know wat??? my 1st model was 1000000000x ugly then that instaid of saying thats sucks u sould say "keep it goin". go check how many posts this guy made... 2!!! this guy must have run crying and braking his halo cd!! almost 30 fucking gay morons made this guy mad !! this was his 1st post and almost everyone here took him as a elite modder... he is starting!! let him a chance!!! ALOMOST EVERYONE here should be ashamed this guy wont even come back to halomods
dude i kinda like iam going to put it as senry and call it the rebel army lol i mite use itguys its hes first dont ruin hes self estem and iam proud to say i downladed and iam american dude u canadain bastard ur holding flameing agasnt us WTF and this is ridculus
if you read my posts I was telling him that it was indeed good for a first try. And I was trying to prove a point to the so called "elite" modders (flamers) who are yet to produce anything for us yet. I downloaded a copy and checked it out, its quite acceptable for scenery of whatever, and its low poly too.
no, this sucks. There should be a forum rule that is DONT POST FIRST TIME MODELS. Lol. Good try. Ill be back in 30 minutes with specific tutorials on making spaceships. UVW mapping them. And whatever i find useful. I am a "Flamer" but I only flame "noobs" who cant spell, try to prove points they dont even have, and say things like "You fucking americans!" or "You nigger!"
cough cough