This forum is for uploading new building blocks for maps such as tags and new models. Please do not post any copyrighted material (ie, models/textures from other games).
I would like to see these in seperate files, rather than all in 1. Like, in the zip file you could have a MC.max, MC.3ds, Hog.max, Hog.3ds, Tank.max, Tank.3ds, etc.
Lloyd1337 wrote:I would like to see these in seperate files, rather than all in 1. Like, in the zip file you could have a MC.max, MC.3ds, Hog.max, Hog.3ds, Tank.max, Tank.3ds, etc.
that would be a bit redundant.. also you would have to open seperate files each time. Just do what i did, open it up. delete all but one thing, and save that as w/e model it is.
I did that really quick with master cheif so that he is the only thing that opens. other than that having all the vehicles together isnt a problem... since u probably want to check multiple things with them all.
i have two things to say, um i think ur banshee looks a lil big compared to the MC, it sorta BIG u no> go look at it, and also , why is the warthog been made? if u want i can gt u the real hog so its BETTER, but i was just wondering.
GAH they're just for referemce so u have the height of a tunnel correct ect. stop whining about 1 being too big or too small or too ass-shaped or whatever. i usually create boxes with the correct measurements, but this is better.
er, u maybe read rong or not understand but, if ones too big then, its measurements arent right, so, if u made a banshee tunnelit wouldnt be the rught size, also, i too use boxes so i i havent d/led these.
well i dont know about the rest of the ppl here, but i scaled em to the right size(theyre about 20 times too small) and i also made the measurements more acurate. it's not hard, there's a "scale tool" ooohhhhh... feeeel the power...
and the EXACT measurements are in the HEK readme
well I didn't really make them to look nice, and I these are to big or small be first
of all I got the MC out of the HEK and 2nd I already tested them and they are super
close to the right size so mabe I'm a pinch off but nothing that is not noticeable
GighasCora wrote:for "concerns" about the "price" of 3dsmax6 just talk to ollie he has "discounts"
Damn straight, I have discounts... at about the price of a free sample at a supermarket. Anyway, it doesn't cost $400.. it's $3500 for a permanent (but 400 for one year, so I guess you're right)
Watch my post count slowly... slowly... slowly... slowly... rise!!!
xfreak wrote:how wood u export this a modle and use it in a game
Not for use in the game, why would you want too? I suppose you could have a big MC statue in front of your base
Anyway I posted because I have problems with the scale of these things. They look like micromachines! And I know its not because my map is too big, I compiled a test and ran thru sapien and all.
When I imported them it asked me something about keeping the scale of the old model or the new one? Something like that. But I have tried it selecting every option available and its still small.
Im using gu (general units) just like the tut said too.
KiLLa wrote:this goes out to flack
If ur paying for it ur the idiot my friend! plus why U gotta flame me ho cake?? I was just trying to help U asshole....
ho cake? is that like chocolate cake? WTF is ho cake?! idiot
KiLLa wrote:this goes out to flack
If ur paying for it ur the idiot my friend! plus why U gotta flame me ho cake?? I was just trying to help U asshole....
ho cake? is that like chocolate cake? WTF is ho cake?! idiot
hrrm lets analize a ho would be a female like you and a cake would be a fag like you ho-cake = you answer was right in front of you!
btw don't flame me cuz someone flamed me lol that's being a groupie!
get off flacks cock....