3 Maps.

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3 Maps.

Post by adolif »

********When elites attack*********

This is a bloodgulch (you are most likely thinking "boring"....but wait, there is a catch) mod but thats not what I want you to judge. I want feedback about the AI's intelligence, stradegy, and agressiveness. This map is a test for the ai, so the map's purpose is different than a map like hugeass or something. If you comment, I would like it if you included a 1-10 scale of the Ai's improvements in virtual bahaviour. Thank you. I designed these ai to be ALOT more agressive and smarter.


*********Stupid doughtnut ui***********

I think it's funny. It's a celebration of the simpson's movie, also.

-Original halo music is higher pitched. (lol, i love the munchkin monks)
-Halo Is a doughnut world.
-I got bored so I gave all the multiplayer maps new descriptions

I thought maybe a silly person somewhere might want it.


This is only a TEST MAP for ai that sync more often than using the vehicle method. A sidewinder varient with grunts in turrets. Instead of respawning, create grunts as you wish by throwing frag grenades. They are turrets with grunts in them. I couldn't respawn the grunts already in the turrets even with scripts so I had to resort to the projectile hack. Please don't mind. This map I want extra feedback in about how well the ai sync. Since this is a test map, the purpose is to download, play, record observations, delete map, then post observations here.

sync.jpg (37.02 KiB) Viewed 641 times
donut.jpg (40.09 KiB) Viewed 642 times
elite1.jpg (49.79 KiB) Viewed 711 times
elite2.jpg (75.54 KiB) Viewed 707 times
Last edited by adolif on Sat Aug 18, 2007 7:56 pm, edited 3 times in total.
I like pie.
Dead Killa \ D

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Post by Dead Killa \ D »

Ai look pretty cool but you should have done Infinity :wink:

link816 says:your crazy about those jeely beans arent you?
=EP Killa says: welll, um yes i love them YUK BUTTER SCOTCH
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