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Be a sentinel in library

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2005 10:07 am
by kirby_422
Ok, first of all, the setinel biped & bsp was from the tags steelix converted (look on to find em) I made the weapon & vehicle tags I made my own setinel beam, blue setinel beam, setinel rocket lancher, and shotgun(they dont have models yet :cry: ) so, all that Ive done is basic... we need weap models, even some thing better than the needler FP that we are curently using

so, about the ups, all weaps cuase fire where ever they touch, they bonce off metals(that means, EVERYTHING!! :twisted: ) and they bounce off setinel skin to(still cuasing fires on em) and I think thats it...

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2005 12:07 pm
by peace35
its easy, but still neat

short, simple, sweet

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2005 2:40 pm
by xpoi300200
It's a really interesting map and it could use a lot more work, but mb you could make your own bsp?

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2005 3:08 pm
by kirby_422
I can use the BSP of any of the single or muiltiplayer maps from halo PC(I had all the single player BSPs before, I just dident know how glichy the lightmaps are, for me. I apper a mile away from the bsp, and have to spin around untill I see a shimmer of light in the background)

I was gonna add sentinel AI, but the game would crash with AI (I think it is the respawn of the AI)

so, what BSP do you want?

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 6:58 pm
by [x] Teekup
Intresting. Ill download it tomarrow cause right now i need to go to bedXD.

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 7:49 am
by kirby_422
xpoi300200 wrote:It's a really interesting map and it could use a lot more work, but mb you could make your own bsp?
I cant do the modeling, cuase I dont know how to use max 8 proporly, what tags need work? have you guys even used all the weapons? propbly not since they all look preaty much the same.. if you wana know apoximit weap loactions, check here

Re: short, simple, sweet

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2005 4:01 pm
by M9 HE-DP Grenade
xpoi300200 wrote:It's a really interesting map and it could use a lot more work, but mb you could make your own bsp?

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 6:39 pm
by kirby_422
hey every one, I got the vehicles working! I took the sentitels normal animations, and through to gether a sentinel that can driver vehicles! I am gonna spened a few days on the vehicles, and what BSP do u guys want in this next beta?

so to sum the whole thing up:
1, vehicles gonna be added soon
2, what BSP u guys want?

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 5:32 pm
by PoeticScars
Vehicles? WTH? They're Sentinals, they fly. I think what you need is a new map, more...whats the word....Forerunnerish. Then add some crazy passageways and shit. Ooooh! The Library with Sentinals.

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 5:50 pm
by kirby_422
PoeticScars wrote:Vehicles? WTH? They're Sentinals, they fly. I think what you need is a new map, more...whats the word....Forerunnerish. Then add some crazy passageways and shit. Ooooh! The Library with Sentinals.
Ok, I found that the libarary is c20, it has 4 different BSP chunks, I am now using part 4

It's almost ready for u guys to test it now! Ill complie it into a map and test, then take pics

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 1:23 pm
by [x] Teekup
There was already a map released like this, Library CE SV. SV standing for Sentinel version. although it sucked. Im gona download your version anyway because your sentinels kick ass. The Library CE SV map sentinel's sentinel beam(when fired)shot 4 feet under your sentinel, which i thought was retarded. I did really enjoy sentinel gultch though. Try making The Silent Cartagrapher BSP or the Halo (second single player level) BSP a Sentinel map :D that would be rather interesting and fun. I know i would enjoy it and download it :D

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 5:03 pm
by kirby_422
do u enjoy the blasts bouncing off the walls? thats kinda deadly, and fun at the same time 8) do u like the vehicles? and dose the peli show up for u? (it's slightly hidin... in the roof, look up in the middle lol) I like the fires, BURN, BURN, BURRN!!! :twisted:

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 5:05 pm
by [x] Teekup
Yes i like the fact that they bounce :D but i thought the warthog was a bit redundant, and i have yet to find the pelican, but i plan to....

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 5:26 pm
by kirby_422
I dont think my peli is even spawning, I think there's to many vehicles already(there is a seacret passage way that has a hog every like 17 feet lol) I want to have some gun models before I make lots of maps, so do u know anyone that can model some guns?

my ideas for gun models are: sentinel beam= red gravity rifle, Blue sentinel beam= Blue and golden Gravity rifle, Sentinel shotgun= something long and muiltipul pointys at the end, sentinel rocket lancher= curved handle, sharp curved thing on top like a sniper aimer, claws curving in around the blasting place

can anyone make something like those? look ^

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 5:29 pm
by [x] Teekup
Hmmmmn, well i think some guys in FMT can do that, of course im the only one in my map team that doesnt have a modeling program XD.

You can contact them at the FMT members there are Ace Of Spades, PlasbianX and of course me [X] TeeKup.

Also, are mods the only ones allowd to have avatars?

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 5:33 pm
by kirby_422
well, do u think those gun Ideas are good? what dose the public thing they should be modeled like

(That means all of u that read this)

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 5:35 pm
by [x] Teekup
hmmmmmm i would probably make different versions of the sentinel, because a sentinel having to pick up and hold a weapon is pretty redundant.

So try and make different versions, edit the model a bit, and replace the sentinels sentinel beam with your custom weapons, but make it look like the sentinel was constructed with that weapon.....

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 5:53 pm
by kirby_422
acualy, thats not the sentinels real beam, I made that my self before I had the sentinel lol, and u can see the gun sticking out of his chest a bit lol, it's only a little bump though, what u think I should do? what should I make, what should I work on, ect..

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 5:53 pm
by [x] Teekup
it still shows my MMT name?

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 5:53 pm
by [x] Teekup
it still shows my MMT name? thats changed to just teekup now.